印度景点有哪些 印度十大景点排名( 二 )

4. 印度有哪些旅游景点、泰姬陵(Taj Mahal ),是印度知名度最高的古迹之一,世界文化遗产,被评选为“世界新七大奇迹” 。
2、孟买印度门正对孟买湾,是印度的门面和标志性建筑,高26米,外形酷似法国的凯旋门,是为纪念乔治五世和皇后玛丽的访印之行而建,现为孟买的门面,用于接待重要的宾客,为印度重要旅游景点之一 。
3、莲花庙又名巴哈伊寺,这座由白色大理石建造而成的建筑,以其壮观美丽著称,早已成为印度人的骄傲 。作为德里独一无二的标志性建筑,其巧妙设计成为这座寺庙的最大看点,莲花庙以其独特的魅力,多年来,以大海般的胸怀,每年吸引着成千上万慕名而来的游客 。
4、琥珀堡位于斋浦尔城郊的一座小山上,是印度古代藩王的都城, 建于1592年 。游客可骑大象上山参观 。由于城堡建在一座叫琥珀的小山上,故称之为琥珀堡 。
5、甘地陵,位于新德里东郊朱木拿河畔,是印度国父“圣雄”甘地的陵墓 。陵园呈凹形,在陵园正中,静卧着一座黑色大理石陵墓,它是一个普通的正方形平台的样子,高约1米,长宽约3米 。
5. 印度景点有哪些名字印度标志性建筑是泰姬陵 。
泰姬陵是印度知名度最高的古迹之一,世界文化遗产,被评选为“世界新七大奇迹” 。泰姬陵是一座用白色大理石建成的巨大陵墓清真寺,是莫卧儿皇帝沙·贾汗为纪念其妃子于1631年至1653年在阿格拉而建的 。
泰姬陵位于今印度距新德里200多公里外的北方邦的阿格拉城内,亚穆纳河右侧 。由殿堂、钟楼、尖塔、水池等构成,全部用纯白色大理石建筑,用玻璃、玛瑙镶嵌,具有极高的艺术价值 。
泰姬陵无论构思还是布局都是一个完美无缺的整体,它充分体现了伊斯兰建筑艺术的庄严肃穆、气势宏伟的独特魅力 。在建筑美学上,最引人注意的是其完全对称 。
以主殿中心向两向延伸之轴线切割之中轴线,可以看到相对于中轴线之距离相等之处的雕饰在数量、尺寸及样式上完全对称 。其中轴线贯穿园区各门、水池及道路等之中线 。
泰姬陵代表了莫卧儿建筑成就的高峰,它的构思和布局充分体现了伊斯兰建筑艺术庄严肃穆、气势宏伟的特点,整个建筑富于哲理,是一个完美无缺的艺术珍品 。
6. 印度旅游景点有哪些泰姬陵 Taj Mahal
Great Wall is not a true man, not the Taj Mahal, equal has never been to India.
Taj Mahal (TajMahal) located in the outskirts of Agra. India’s Taj Mahal is one of the world’s seven architectural wonders, Taj Mahal (TajMahal), also known as the Taj Mahal. Mughal monarch 5th generation – Shah Jahan (ShahJahan) Wong Hou Muta for his beloved Chicago Maha (MamtazMahal) of the witness of love.
Construction of the Taj Mahal is in fact a moving story, saying that Shah Jahan married 19 years with the Queen, the Queen in 1630, the 14th production of the death of the emperor before the death of four required commitment, one of which is everyone can build for her to pay tribute to the beauty of a mausoleum. So Shah Jahan would cost 50 million rupees to 20,000 artisans, took 22 years to complete this shocked the world of marble arts building, the final resting place as the favored concubines. 1633, the Taj Mahal in India, Shah Jahan selected northern corner of the Yamuna start building a large garden. Here in the Yamuna River, is very open, Shah Jahan from the castle on the river upstream of Agra saw far. Shah Jahan architecture and jewelry most popular, so he used marble Taj Mahal, and in a very delicate craft in countless marble inlaid stones for decoration. Country and Persia, Turkey, Baghdad, architects, setters, Master Books, sculptors, masons total of twenty thousand people participated in the construction of the Taj Mahal. This project used a local marble, China, precious stones, crystal and jade, Baghdad and Yemen, agate, emerald Tibet, Sri Lanka’s precious stones, coral and other Arab. Taj Mahal with the seasons, time and change. At dawn, the Taj Mahal showing pink, blooming like flowers; noon, the Taj Mahal is white, bright light; evening, the Taj Mahal was gray, soft colors like pearl. Receded in the moon, star flashing weather, the Taj Mahal may be showing a white tiger amber, gray, golden brown. In overcast weather, the Taj Mahal like winter mist floating in the air, flickering mirage. Architectural features Agra: Taj Mahal, a wide area, from the vestibule, the main entrance, Mughal gardens and main mausoleum consisting of two mosques. Cylindrical tower tomb has a square main hall, in particular, place each tower are tilted outward 12 degrees, when there are earthquakes will fall to the Quartet, and will not affect the main hall. Whether looked at any angle, pure white Taj Mahal are very magnificent, perfect shape, with the reflection pool before the tomb, the Taj Mahal as a two reflect each other, no wonder known as one of the seven wonders of the world . Focused on building the Taj Mahal in India, the Middle East, Persian architectural features, the layout of the perfect harmony, is a rare masterpiece of architectural history.
