“我愿深深扎入生活,吮尽生活的骨髓,把一切不属于生活的内容剔除得干净利落 。”
"I would like to be deeply involved in life, to make the bones of life, and to remove everything that is not part of life."
梭罗在《瓦尔登湖》中对生活的审视,才是真相 。
This is the truth of life that Thoreau mentioned in Walden.
阳春白雪不过是精加工的调味剂,吃多了味觉会麻木 。就如同当今家宅设计中,趋同的精细化追求,使人乏味 。因而,如何找到“回归本心的感动”,成为当下设计凾待突破的一大难点 。
If a well-cooked cuisine added way too much condiment, it tastes numb after several tries. Just like the interior design nowadays, refined similarity makes it tasteless and bland. Finding the “heartbottom” touch is one of the design break point that we are looking for.
孙文设计事务打造的旭辉宸宇府剥离形式主义的外壳,将“人的体验和观感”作为切入点,以产品的全局性思维把控空间,挖掘人最原始的心理层面,让身心与空间产生真正的对话 。
The Xuhui Polaris Mansion model house created by S.U.N Design takes personal experience and visual impression as the point cut to consider the overall space. By looking into the most primitive part of inner body, the design talks between mind and space.
取“围炉夜话”的意象作为贯穿整个设计的主题,是为了满足人对温暖最本能的渴望 。客厅以大面积的灰色调铺陈叙事,为传统性质的样板空间注入沉静而抚慰人心的力量 。
Warmness is one of people’s most instinctive desires. Taken “Fireside Talk” as the design concept, the living room uses grey color tone just like a calm and peaceful story background.
墙上的现代都市风格画作,来自德国艺术家格哈德?里希特 。他的“无主题艺术”,同设计师所追寻的“没有特定风格的表达”不谋而合 。
The Non-objective Art by Gerhard Richter just coincident with what the designer looking for, to express design without a particular named style.
当黑夜接替白昼,家人在炉边围坐,一天的疲惫自会卸去 。在安宁之中,种种烦闷都会消散 。
When night comes, the whole family sitsaround the fire.All kinds of exhaustion and trouble will disappear in such a peaceful and relaxing.
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