逛逛南京西路6|中福会少年宫原是1924年犹太富商建造“最美丽豪宅”| 豪宅( 四 )
In the following years, Kadoories hosted many activities for the Jewish Community and other organizations in the house. Large-scale parties, banquets and dancing balls were held here for community meetings and Jewish holidays.
Today the cemetery is a quiet graveyard known as the Mausoleum of Soong Ching Ling, widow of Dr Sun Yat-sen and the late Honorary Vice Chairwoman of China.
The Kadoories’ former home became the China Welfare Institute Children’s Palace in 1953 under the advice of Madame Soong, who was also founder of the China Welfare Institute. From then on, the palatial Marble Hall became a place for Chinese children to enjoy recreation and cultivate hobbies.
The institute often hosts festive celebrations on June 1, International Children’s Day. During that time, the Marble Hall turns into a sea of games and laughter inside out.
Michael Kadoorie has visited the house several times, and said both he and his father Lawrence were happy to see their home become a paradise for gifted children.
The children love the fairy tale house and it provides a happy ending to Shanghai’s most beautiful home.
有关“阅读上海”的系列报道可参看文末链接,去年国庆节讲堂 推出的一组上海建筑的故事。
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