逛逛南京西路5|卓别林曾来这座华人投资并设计的远东第一舞厅百乐门 | 陈曼丽( 四 )

The China Press revealed the theatre was decorated on a lavish scale and the owners of the establishment had tried to provide the best in entertainment.
“The illumination is a little short of spectacular while the draperies, fixtures, et cetera, have been purchased with an idea of effectiveness rather than any thought of saving money,” the report said.
Zhang added that the ballroom featured two kinds of outstanding dance floors, large enough to accommodate hundreds of dancers.
“One was a spring floor and upstairs was a kind of crystal floor made of glass and illuminated by light bulbs,” he said.
The spring floor was where silent film legend Chaplin danced with his movie co-star and companion Paulette Goddard on his one and only night in Shanghai in March 1936.
The China Press said the spring floor was outstanding for dancers and for the presentation of ballroom acts and theatricals.
The crystal floor, however, was effectively illuminated for the use of the Paramount’s patrons, who were using private dining rooms upstairs and did not wish to walk down a flight of steps to the main dance floor. There were two private dining rooms in the place, both large enough to accommodate large parties.
有关“阅读上海”的系列报道可参看文末链接,去年国庆节讲堂 推出的一组上海建筑的故事。
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