一,我会遇到很多有趣的人 但永远不落下你 。
I will meet many interesting people, but I will never leave you behind
二,吃得饱饱安心睡觉每晚不失眠身边人平安 。
Eat well and sleep peacefully. Don't lose sleep every night. People around you are safe
三,我们会有很多个明天见或待会见 。
We'll see you tomorrow or later.
四,不知道怎么介绍她简单说 她很好看很可爱很气人也很温柔很值得 是我的女朋友 。
I don't know how to introduce her. Simply put, she is beautiful, cute, irritating and gentle. She is worthy of being my girlfriend
五,乖一点好好待在我身边 不准放手不准跑我好好爱你你也好好爱我我们一起慢慢慢变好 。
Be good and stay with me. Don't let go. Don't run. I love you and you love me. We'll get better together.
六,不是和好不是重蹈覆辙 是时隔多年以后的第二次怦然心动 。
It's not making up, it's not repeating the same mistakes, it's the second time after many years
七,好事总会发生在下个转弯 。
Good things always happen at the next turn
八,想和你做彼此心事的靠山 想和你永远好奇又贪玩 。
I want to be the patron of each other's thoughts with you, and I want to be curious and playful with you forever
九,如果快乐太难 那就祝我们腰缠万贯 。
If happiness is too difficult, I wish us a lot of money
十,独自走过苍苍莽莽 与你同行才有了光. 我总是词不达意,但是我真的很开心生活有你淋过雨后就要记得带伞 听到没笨蛋 。
Only when I walk alone through the green and walk with you can I get light. I always fail to deliver my words, but I am really happy to live. You must remember to bring an umbrella when you have been drenched in the rain, you hear me
十一,你的一句乖都能哄我开心 别人长篇大论我都不动心 这就是区别 。
A good word from you can make me happy. I'm not tempted by other people's speeches. This is the difference.
十二,我知道在这个年纪遇到的人不会有结果,但你很特别,我舍不得 。
I know that people I meet at this age will not get results, but you are very special and I can't bear it.
十三,他有在爱我 他在治愈我 他在拉着我慢慢变好 所以我要开始好好生活了 。
He is loving me, he is healing me, he is pulling me to get better, so I want to start living a good life.
十四,明年有明年的雪 明年的雾色 明年的永不休止的阳光 还有明年数不尽的生机 。
There will be next year's snow, next year's fog, next year's never-ending Sunshine, and next year's endless vitality
十五,改天是明天,下次是每一次,以后是以后的每一天 。
【给女朋友的甜蜜留言_爱情的句子 留言句子爱情】Another day is tomorrow, next time is every time, and later is every day in the future
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