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'Be Kinder With Deadlines': What Teachers Learned from Remote Teaching Last Time(结束)
'Keep it small. A Zoom class with 20 kids is never going to work'
保持小规模 , 20个孩子的Zoom班永远没效果

结束英文怎么写 结束英文

(49)Annie Asgard is a primary school teacher in Galway and has been teaching English as an additional language(EAL) there since 2006.
安妮阿斯加德是戈尔韦的一名小学老师 , 自2006年起在那里教作为第二语言(EAL)的英语
【结束英文怎么写 结束英文】(50)Remote teaching is a challenge - but teaching migrant students remotely can be even more challenging, says Asgard.
阿斯加德觉得 , 远程教学是一个挑战——而最大的挑战是远程教授移民学生 。
(51)"If a child is in a home where there is no English for them and their parents can't help them with their schoolwork, they are not able to engage with the curriculum," she says.
“如果一个孩子来自不讲英语的家庭 , 他们的父母无法在学校作业上帮助他们 , 他们就不能参与到课程中” , 她说 。
(52)Removing support for these children, even for a short period of time can have a long-term impact, she says.
取消对这些孩子的支持 , 哪怕是一小段时间 , 也会造成长期的影响 , 她表示 。
(53)"By excluding a child from having any english language support for a very small window of time you're basically putting that child at a disadvantage for life."
“如果不让孩子接受任何英语语言辅导 , 即使是很短的空窗期 , 你基本上也就把这个孩子的生活置于不利的地位 。”
(54)She suggests teachers hold language classes via Zoom.
她建议老师们通过Zoom开设语言课 。
(55)"You would invite some native English-speaking children to the lesson as well," says Asgard. "If you are going to learn a language there is no point in you learning that language with other people who also don't know that language."
“你可以邀请一些母语为英语的孩子们来上课 , ”阿斯加德说:“如果如果你准备学习一门语言 , 那么和其他同样不懂这门语言的人一起学习是没有意义的 。”
(56)Asgard says it is important to keep groups small on Zoom, pre-teach vocabulary where possible and to give students a task to complete.
阿斯加德认为在Zoom上保持人数不多的小组是非常重要的 , 尽可能先教授语汇 , 给学生有任务可以完成 。
(57)"A Zoom class with 20 kids is never going to work, you keep the groups small, rotate interest topics and the kids need to have something manipulative in front of them to do or to make," says Asgard. "We just need a little bit of creativity."
“一个Zoom班搞20个小孩子没有效果 , 你要保持人数不多;轮换有意思的话题;而孩子们需要在他们面前有事可做 , ”阿斯加德说:“我们只需要有一点点的创意 。”
