
帕丁顿熊的英语单词句子,句子,英语单词,帕丁顿熊1.帕丁顿熊英文版作文怎么写However, when we reached the top, we were shocked to see litter here and there, such as bottles and banana peels. Then we started to pick up the litter and put the rubbish into the nearby recycling bin and non-recycling bin respectively. 。
2.帕丁顿熊经典台词有哪些1.我永远会和别人不一样 。
2.这里一直在下雨,小雨大雨暴雨 。
3.在伦敦每一个人都是不同的,但这也意味着任何人都可以进入伦敦 。
4.它来自世界另一边又有什么关系呢 。它是另一种物种又如何呢 。它有奇怪的柑橘酱癖又怎样呢 。我们都爱帕丁顿,它就是我们的家人 。一家人就应该团结,如果你想要它的命,先从我们的尸体上踏过去吧 。
5.我是一只熊,一只叫帕丁顿的熊 。
6.一位年轻的探险者,在一片陌生的土地上,必须找到自己的方向 。
3.帕丁顿熊英语观后感60词左右【关于帕丁顿熊的英语单词句子(文案素材)】Paddington is one of the best movies in recent years. It has everything from tears and laughter, action and suspense, drama and tongue-in-cheek, beauty and amazing design, amazing special effects and animation, great direction and spot on acting. It is a movie for everyone, because it is so full of various layers and different hidden overtones. In its core it is a family slap stick, but in every sentence uttered the script hides messages between messages of love, friendship, kindness, embrace and understanding. I loved this movie.
(来源: IMDB)
4.用英文描述帊丁顿熊的故事情节However, when we reached the top, we were shocked to see litter here and there, such as bottles and banana peels. Then we started to pick up the litter and put the rubbish into the nearby recycling bin and non-recycling bin respectively.
故事围绕一只年轻的秘鲁小熊展开 。这只喜欢吃柠檬酱的小熊(本·卫肖 Ben Whishaw 配音)从暗无天日的秘鲁抵达伦敦,在伦敦的的帕丁顿站迷路了,它呆在失物招领处外,坐在一只被压扁行李箱上,大衣上挂着一个牌子:“请照顾这只熊 。谢谢 。”于是遇到了一个人类家庭并与他们朝夕相处,因为小熊的秘鲁名字没人能明白,所以善良的人类家庭就根据车站的名字给这只小熊起名叫帕丁顿,他见到的每个人都对其喜爱有加 。
但是,只有米莉森特(妮可·基德曼 Nicole Kidman 饰)除外,她是一个恶毒的博物馆长,一心只想着把这个可爱的小家伙制成标本关进她的博物馆里……
电影改编自迈克尔·邦德的英国童话畅销书 。
5.用英语描写北极熊80个单词左右Polar Bears and Conservation Page 1 of 3 Click image to enlarge. Polar Bear Status Report Polar bears are a potentially threatened (not endangered) species living in the circumpolar north. They are animals which know no boundaries. They pad across the ice from Russia to Alaska, from Canada to Greenland and onto Norway's Svalbard archipelago. No adequate census exists on which to base a worldwide population estimate, but biologists use a working figure of perhaps 22,000 to 25,000 bears with about sixty percent of those living in Canada. In most sections of the Arctic where estimates are available, polar bear populations are thought to be stable at present. Counts have been decreasing in Baffin Bay and the Davis Strait, where about 3,600 bears are thought to live, but are increasing in the Beaufort Sea, where there are around 3,000 bears. In the 1960s and 1970s, polar bears were under such severe survival pressure that a landmark international accord was reached, despite the tensions and suspicions of the Cold War. The International Agreement on the Conservation of Polar Bears was signed in Oslo, November 15, 1973 by the five nations with polar bear populations (Canada, Denmark which governed Greenland at that time, Norway, the U.S., and the former U.S.S.R.). The polar bear nations agreed to prohibit random, unregulated sport hunting of polar bears and to outlaw hunting the bears from aircraft and icebreakers as had been common practice. The agreement also obliges each nation to protect polar bear denning areas and migration patterns and to conduct research relating to the conservation and management of polar bears. Finally, the nations must share their polar bear research findings with each other. Member scientists of the Polar Bear Specialist Group meet every three to four years under the auspices of the IUCN World Conservation Union to coordinate their research on polar bears throughout the Arctic. With the agreement in force, polar bear populations slowly recovered. The Oslo agreement is one of the first and most successful international conservation measures enacted in the 21st century. 。

