
实义动词句型变化,句型,动词,变化1.关于实义动词 句型的转换(一般、特殊、否定)怎么转换,详细解释1.否定句
首先,看举重是否有情态动词,如果有,在其后之间加not;如果没有,看是否有be动词,如果有,在其后之间加not;如果没有,则需要用上助动词do\does\did\have\has\had 等,由句子时态决定,在助动词后加not 。
【关于实义动词句型变化(文案素材)】先如上所述把句子变为一般疑问句,再选用合适的疑问词放在句首,去掉划线部分即可 。当然有些固定句型是需要另加记忆的 。
2.实义动词的5个变化规则一般情况 加 -s 1.清辅音后读/s/; map-maps
2.浊辅音和元音后 bag-bags
读 /z/; car-cars
x等结尾的词 加 -es 读 /iz/ bus-buses
的词 加 -s 读 /iz/ license-licenses
以辅音字母+y 变y 为i
结尾的词 再加es 读 /z/ baby---babies
3.人教版七年级上英语语法焦点就是每个单元后面的那个语法(一)be动词.1、be动词包括am, are, is.2、be动词的用法.am → 主语是单数第一人称(即I).e.g. I am…be are → 单数第二人称及所有复数.e.g. You are… The coats are…is → 单数第三人称及不可数名词. e.g. Your father is… The money is…3、否定句式(即改否定句):在be动词之后+not,句子其它部位不变. e.g. He is not a teacher.4、缩写形式.①主语+be,缩写be第一个字母为 ',再与主语合并. e.g. you are → you're Jack is → Jack's② be+not否定形式的缩写,缩写not中“o”为 ',再与be合并. e.g. is not→isn't are not→aren't③不能缩写的情况:this is, these are, those are, am not及缩略的肯定回答. e.g. Yes, I am. (I'm 误) 5、含be动词句子的疑问句型转换.①一般疑问句:将be动词提前,其它照抄不变,最后+?,读升调.(一般第一人称改为第二人称)e.g. The man in the car is her father. → Is the man in the car her father? I'm a middle school student. → Are you a middle school student?②一般疑问句的肯否定回答.肯定回答: Yes,主语+be. 否定回答: No,主语+be+not.e.g. Is he old? Are you a new student? Is your father at home? Yes, he is. Yes, I am. Yes, he is. No, he is not.(isn't) No, I'm not. No, he is not.(isn't)注意:①主语必须用代词回答;②肯定回答不能缩写;③回答第二人称,用第一人称回答.③特殊疑问句(就划线部分提问).1) 方法:将句子被提问(即被划线)的部分改为相对应的疑问词,然后置于句首,接着再将be动词或情态动词提前 (置于疑问词之后),其它部分照抄不变,最后+?(即疑问词+一般疑问句?) e.g. The man in a red cap is her brother. → Who is the man in a red cap? I can sing English songs. → What can you do? 2) 注意:①被提问部分不能再写.②提问动词(即提问做某事),在改句子时注意还“do”,表示做什么?3) 相应的疑问词.1. 事物 → what e.g. That is a cat. → What is that? 2. 地点 → where He is at home? → Where is he? 3. 人 → who The man is his father. → Who is the man?4. 怎样(程度,方式) → how She's fine. → How is she? He can go to school by bus. →How can he go to school?5. 年龄 → how old Our grandpa is 80. → How old is your grandpa?6. 班级 → what class We are in Class 2, Grade 1. → What class are you in?7. 数字 → what My phone number is 2212121→What's your phone number?8. 颜色 → what color His car is yellow. → What color is his car?9. 时间 → what time I can get there at six. → What time can you get there? when I can go with you on Sunday. → When can you go with me?10. 价钱 → how much The bag is twenty yuan. → How much is the bag?(二)代词:1、代词的形式 第一人称第二人称第三人称单数复数单数复数单数复数主 格Iweyouyouhesheitthey宾 格物主代词我(的)我们(的)你们(的)你们(的)他(的)她(的)它(的)他们(的)2、代词的用法①动作的发出者,代词用主格,(一般在句首,动词前). e.g. He often writes to me.②动作的承受者,代词用宾格,(一般在句末,动词后、介词后). e.g. Let's ask him. Let's play with them. ③物的主人,用物主代词.(即代词所有格) 形容词性物主代词后一定要带物,不能单独使用,一般用在名词前. e.g. This is their classroom. That is my bike. It is her red coat.(三)所有格:表示物或人的“所属”关系. 1、名词所有格的形式: ① 名词之后直接+'s e.g. Mary―Mary's Kate―Kate's ② 以s结尾的名词只加 ' e.g. students―students'2、以上形式一般只用于有生命的名词,但也可用于表示时间、距离、国家、地点等无生命的名词.e.g. today's newspaper; an hour's walk; China's city3、注意: ①表示两者或多者共有,在最后一个名词+ 's. e.g. Mike and Jim's room.(共用,用单数) ②如果不是共有,指各有,则各词都应+'s. e.g. Mike's and Jim's rooms. (各有,用复数)4、表示无生命的名词所有格用of短语表示,但注意词序与汉语习惯不同,形式为:名词+of+名词(前者属于后者). e.g. the door of the room. 那房间的门 the picture of my family. 我的家庭的照片5、注意:有时's 结构可以转化为of 短语.(对等) e.g. his father's friends → the friends of his father. the girl's new computer → the new computer of the girl. the dog's name → the name of the dog 但不是所有of 结构都有对等的's结构.因为's 只用于有生命的词.(四)名词的数.1、名词的概念:名词是指表示人、事物、地点或抽象概念名称的词,如:teacher, school, morning, thanks, duty. 名词按其所表示的事物的性质分为可数名词和不可数名词.2、可数名词.1)可数名词是指可以用数目计算是名词,有单复数两种形式.可数名词包括个体名词:e.g. apple , student. 集体名词:e.g. class people2)用法: ① 单数名词前可用a, an修饰; ② 之前可以直接用数词; ③ 之前可用a lot of, lots of,many, some等修饰; ④ 提问其数量 。
