年糕的寓意英语 年糕的寓意( 二 )

中国汉族的传统食物,属于农历新年的应时食品 。是一种用黏性大的糯米或米粉蒸成的糕,在春节,我国很多地区都有讲究吃年糕 。年糕有红、黄、白三色,象征金银,年糕又称“年年糕”,与“年年高”谐音,寓意着人们的工作和生活一年比一年提高 。所以前人有诗称年糕:“年糕寓意稍云深,白色如银黄色金 。年岁盼高时时利,虔诚默祝望财临 。”另有浙江省宁波市江北区慈城镇的水磨年糕也是特别有名 。Chinese traditional Chinese food, belonging to the Chinese New Year should be a time when food. Is a large sticky glutinous rice or Rice noodles steamed into the cake, in the Spring Festival, many areas of China have to eat rice cake. Cake with red, yellow and white color, a symbol of gold and silver, rice cakes, also known as "Year cake", and "annual high" homophonic, meaning the people's work and life a year than a year increase. So the previous poem said: "a little cloud of rice cake rice cake meaning deep, such as silver white and yellow gold. We hope high profit, we wish the pious silence." Shuimo rice cake Jiangbei District in Zhejiang province and Ningbo city is very famous.

年糕的寓意英语 年糕的寓意


虽然咱们多半过年应景吃些年糕,但在英语中只以“米糕”统称之 。Rice Cake 就是啦!

年糕rice cake;[例句]她给你做了些年糕 。She made some rice cakes for you.

【年糕的寓意英语 年糕的寓意】那么以上的内容就是关于(年糕的寓意(年糕的寓意英语))的一些信息了,希望本篇文章能够帮到网友们获取到一些自己想要了解的内容 。(年糕的寓意(年糕的寓意英语))是小编精心收集整理汇总而成,希望能给大家带来帮助 。
