一、法国景点英文介绍?1、Notre Dame de Paris, France
2.Effiel Tower, France
3.Arch of Triumph, France
4.Elysee Palace, France
5.Louvre, France
6.river Seine
凡尔赛宫等 。
法国曾入选最受中国游客喜爱的欧洲国家,是中国游客欧洲旅游的首选地,离不开这些名胜古迹的功劳 。
巴黎圣母院是世界著名的教堂,为欧洲早期哥特式建筑和雕刻艺术的代表 。
三、法国英文?法国 [fǎ guó]
France; French;
她是我们公司驻法国的销售代表 。
She’s our representative in France
四、法国的英文简写?法国英文缩写是FR,英语全称是French Republic 。
法国位于欧洲西部,本土呈六边形,三边临水 。与比利时、卢森堡、德国、瑞士、意大利、摩纳哥、西班牙、安道尔接壤,西北隔英吉利海峡与英国相望 。
五、法国的英文缩写?答法国的英文缩写是FR,全称是French Republic(法兰西共和国) 。法国是一个位于欧洲的国家,拥有着灿烂的文化、艺术和历史 。法国是世界上最大的旅游目的地之一,在巴黎的艾菲尔铁塔、卢浮宫博物馆和凡尔赛宫,还有尼斯的海滨度假胜地等都吸引了大批游客 。法国是欧洲第二大经济体,拥有极为发达的国际贸易和旅游产业 。法国也是一个重要的政治力量,是联合国安理会常任理事国之一,其总统和议会扮演着重要的国际角色 。
六、法国介绍(英文)?France is an western European country. Its neiboring countries include Belgium, Spain, Germany, etc. France is famous for the Eifel Tower in Paris, the capital of France. France is also the world’s top producer in perfume and other fashionable beauty products. Many travellers to Paris value its art museums and historical sites the most.法国是一个西欧国家 。它的邻国包括比利时、西班牙、德国等 。法国以首都巴黎的埃菲尔铁塔著名 。法国也是世界上顶端的香水和其他时尚化妆品的产地 。许多到巴黎的旅游者最重视它的艺术博物馆和历史古迹 。
七、法国的英文是什么?【法国的景点英文 法国的景点英文介绍】法国:France
France 是名词,是国家名,地名 。
French 是形容词,表示“法国的,法国人的”,也可以作名词,表示“法语,法国人” 。
Table manners France bogey seven
Many people eat at Western, will worry "impolite." In fact, the so-called table manners is to enable the meal to meal without hindrance and destruction, and the smooth flow of useful code of conduct. Bear in mind that "neat, clean and quiet," the three principles and to be no disadvantage.
Agreed to invite the other side of the post-interim, if something happens to be late or canceled appointments, to provide advance notice to the other side. Later to attend the meeting when it is acceptable, but more than 15 minutes to the other side will not dating importance of the bad impression. In order to select their own when they want to eat food all over the menu to see if there is no idea, can you please recommend a restaurant waiter for signs of food, but to give clear that if the want to eat seafood, do not eat red Such as meat, bear in mind that everything is indecisive, apart from saying "Yes, but (not worth)" will only add to the guests the same trouble. To eat a lot of attention to details, but the fact is most of the day-to-day rituals, as long as remain calm and not big move, no sound or hinder other people's meals if already qualified.
九、法国景点介绍?法国是欧洲浪漫的中心,其有着悠久的历史、丰富的名胜古迹和乡野风光,吸引着全世界游客,让全世界的游客对其向往,甚至有很多小伙伴正计划去法国旅游,去看看这个历史悠久的欧洲国家,那去法国旅游去哪些景点好呢?下面,下面就给大家做个详细的法国旅游景点介绍 。
法国旅游景点介绍 法国旅游景点推荐
巴黎有四大建筑都非常出名,凯旋门就是其中之一,与埃菲尔铁塔、凯旋门、卢浮宫和巴黎圣母院并称巴黎市的四大代表建筑,是为了纪念拿破仑在1806年在奥斯特尔里茨战役中获胜而建的,凯旋门内部设有电梯,可买票后可直达50米高的拱门上方,上面有一个小型的历史博物馆,也可以欣赏巴黎的全景 。
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