迎接2022暖心治愈短句 新年寄语2022简短

1、请不要把你最好的时光浪费在一个有毒的人身上 。
Please don't lose the best years of your life being loayal to a toxic person.
2 、 最好的爱情故事,就是在最意想不到的时候,爱上最意想不到的人 。
The best love story is when y ou fall in love with the most unexpected person at the most unexpected time.

迎接2022暖心治愈短句 新年寄语2022简短


3、人们说只有失去了你才知道你拥有什么,事实是你知道你拥有什么,你只是认为你永远不会失去它 。
People say you don't know what you have until it's gone,truth is you knew what you had,you just thought you would never lose it.
4、你在为一个过着最好的生活的人破坏自己的精神健康 。关注你自己 。
your mental health for someone that's out there living their best life.focus on you.
迎接2022暖心治愈短句 新年寄语2022简短


5、 我真是喜怒无常,向所有容忍我的人致以最诚挚的歉意 。
I'm so unpredictably moody,sending my sincerest apologie,as to everyone who put up with me.
6、 最孤独的人是最善良的,最悲伤的人是最聪明的 。最受伤害的人最聪明 。这一切都是因为他们不希望看到其他人像他们一样受苦 。
The loneliest people are the kindest,the saddest people sile the brightest.the most damaged people are the wisest.all because they do not wish to see anyone else suffer the way they do.
迎接2022暖心治愈短句 新年寄语2022简短


7、有些人只是想要得到你的关注,却没有对你承诺的责任 。
Some people just want the attention of having you without the responsibility of being committed to you.
8、最糟糕的感觉是,你不想放弃一个人,但你知道你不得不放弃他 。
The worst feeling is when you dont wanna give up on someone but you know you have to.
迎接2022暖心治愈短句 新年寄语2022简短


9、欺骗是个人决定的 。有些人永远不会欺骗,无论事情有多难,有些人总是欺骗,无论事情有多好 。
Cheating is a personal decision.some people will never cheat no matter how hard things are,others will always cheat no matter how good it is.
【迎接2022暖心治愈短句 新年寄语2022简短】
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