亚洲第一大铁路枢纽站 亚洲最大铁路枢纽客站开通运营

6月20日 , 经过近4年的改扩建工程 , 百年老站北京丰台站以全新面貌开通运营 , 首都又添一座城市新地标 。

亚洲第一大铁路枢纽站 亚洲最大铁路枢纽客站开通运营

The largest passenger railway hub in Asia was put into operation Monday in Beijing as a four-year reconstruction breathes new life into the Chinese capital's oldest railway station.
亚洲第一大铁路客运枢纽——北京丰台站20日正式开通运营 。丰台火车站是北京最早的火车站 , 经过4年的改扩建 , 迎来了全新面貌 。
With a gross floor area of nearly 400,000 square meters, or 56 standard football pitches, Beijing Fengtai Railway Station has 32 rail tracks and 32 platforms and is able to accommodate a maximum of 14,000 passengers per hour.
其站房建筑面积约40万平方米 , 几乎相当于56个标准足球场 , 每小时最高可容纳14000人同时候车 , 设有32条到达出发线 , 32个客运站台面 。
Located in southern Beijing's Fengtai District, the time-honored station was built in 1895 and used to provide both passenger and freight services until its closure in 2010. Reconstruction of the station kicked off in 2018.
【亚洲第一大铁路枢纽站 亚洲最大铁路枢纽客站开通运营】丰台火车站历史悠久 , 始建于1895年 , 开办了客货运输等业务 。2010年,丰台站停止客运业务 。2018实施改扩建工程 。
It is also the country's first railway station featuring a double-deck structure that serves both high-speed and regular train services. There is also a metro station under the railway station, enabling convenient transfers.
北京丰台站还是国内首座采用高铁、普铁双层车场重叠设计的特大型车站 , 形成了“顶层高铁、地面普铁、地下地铁”的立体交通模式 , 方便旅客“无缝”换乘城市交通 。
The station's operator said it would put 120 trains into service for the preliminary stage of the railway station's operation.
根据运行方案 , 丰台火车站运营初期安排旅客列车120列 。
