
1.英语同义句练习,帮帮忙1. How cute this dog is !What a cute dog this is ! 2. How cold it is !What a cold day it is ! 3. How is the weather ?What is the weather like today ? 4.How beautiful those flowers are !What beautiful flowers they are ! 5. How hot it was yesterday !What a hot day it was yesterday! 6. How is the weather in Nanjing now ?What's the weather like in Nanjing now ? 7.He went home to have supper . He went home in order to/so as to have supper. . 8. What's the matter ?What's wrong with you ? 9. They are good at Chinese .They do well in Chinese. 10. Linda doesn't (do) well in English . Linda isn't good at English . 11. Your Maths is great .You are good at/ do well in Maths . 12. She went for a walk in the park . She took a walk in the park.13. Can you tell me how I can get to the station ? Can you show me how to goto the station ?14. Excuse me , how can I get to the bank ? Excuse me , can you tell me the way to the bank ?15. Excuse me , where's the post office , please ? Excuse me , can youtell me the way to the post office ? 16. I'm not as tall as my mother . I'm shorterthan my mother . 17. Tom runs faster than me . I run slower than Tom . 18. Jack doesn't have any brothers or sisters .Jack has no brothers or sisters . 19. So you have got a brother . So you have a brother . 20. Uncle Bob has no sisters or brothers .Uncle Bob is the only child in his family . 21. He plays football well . He is a good footballplayer . 22.You can get there by bus . You can take a bus there . 23. Get off after two stops , please . Get off at the third stop. 24. The school is near from his home . The school isn't far from his home . 25. The hotel is near to the park .the hotel isn't far from the park . 26. Yesterday my father came back home as late as my mother . Yesterday my parents both came back home late . 27. The weather here is cold .The weather in Shenyang is colder. The weather in Shenyang iscolder than here. 28. He is 165 centimetres. I'm 165 centimetres , too . I'm as tall as he . 。
2.英语练习题改写句子Give hime some water and food(同义句)
Give him some water and food(同义句)
解答如下:双宾语动词give +间接宾语+直接宾语=give +直接宾语(物)+介词to +间接宾语(人)
Give some water and food to him.
Don't worry.I can look after your baby well(同义句)
look after 。wekk =take good care of
注意:look after后面一般只接人(后面可以加修饰词well)
take care of既可以接人,也可以接物(中间可以加修饰词good )
Don't be worried. I can take good care of your baby.
You'd better take out the trash(否定句)
解答如下:had better +not 构成否定句,表示,最好不要做某事
You'd better not take out the trash.
My mum asked me not to play computer(同义句)
解答如下:ask sb not to do sth表示要某人不要做某事=ask sb to stop doing
=tell sb not to do sth
My mum told me not to play computer (否定非谓语动词)
My mum asked me to stop playing computer
My mum did not permit /allow me to play the computer ((否定谓语动词)
Can you come to my party on Monday at 19:00(同义句)
【英语同义词句子试题】解答如下:Can you do sth ..?表示征求对方做某事意见和想法?
可以用would like to do sth / Will /would you please do sth代替
Would you like to go to my party at 19:00 on Monday ?
Would /will you please come to my party at 19:00 on Monday ?
Let's go fishing on Sunday(同义句)
解答如下:以上是个祈使句表达方法,可以用why not go / why do not we go / shall we
Why not go finishing on Sunday?
Why don't we go fishing on Sunday?
Shall we go fishing on Sunday ?
Remember to close the door when you leave(同义句)
解答如下:以上词组可以Don't forge to do something
Don't forget to close the door when you leave.
I have no money with me(同义句)
解答如下:no=not any相互转换
I don't have any money with me.
3.【英语试题1.busy(名词)1.busy(名词)__business_____2.with(反义词)__without_____3.have to(同义词)___must___4.match(同义词)___game_____2.单项选择1.I'm sorry I can't go to your party.I'm__A___busy.A.really B.real C.sure D.surely2.She has to help mom__D____.A.doing washing B.washing C.for the washing D.with the washing3.Please keep___B____!I'm trying______A.quite;study B.quiet;to study C.quite;studying 4.I'm so sorry to keep you ___A____for a long time.A.waiting B.to wait C.wait D.waited5.Why__B____fishing tomorrow? Good idea.A.don't go B.not go C.not to go D.don'you going6.Come and__D____us,Mary. Sorry,I_____help my mumA.join;may B.join in;need C.join;can D.join;have to7.Tony has three good friends here and he has___A___one in Beijing.A.another B.other C.the other D.others8.We will start at 8:00.Everyone___D__be lateA.doesn't B.can't C.needn't D.mustn't3.根据汉语完成下列句子1.今天晚上我们要举行一个生日聚会We'll__have/hold_____an birthday__party______this evening.2.我很想你到我家来I'd___like/love____you__to come over___to my house3.对不起,我不能,我得学习Sorry,I can't.I__have____ ___to_____study4.他直到6点都有空He's__free_____ ____till____six 0'clock4.句型转换1.Can you ask him to call me tonight?(同义句改写)Can you ask him to __ring__me___up__toight?2.Thank you very much for your help.(同义句改写)Thanks___a____ ___lot___for_helping___me3.The party is beginning at seven(对划线部分提问,划线部分是at seven)_When_____is the party beginning?4.Wei Hua was very busy yesterday.(写出同义句)Wei Hua__had____ ___a_____busy__day_____yesterday.5.They have to stay at school all day.(对划线部分提问,划线部分是stay at school)__What______ __do____they have to ___do____all day?6.Let's go to the movies.(改为同义句)__How/What_____ ___about____going to the movies?7.Li Lei has to babysit his sister(改为一般疑问句)_Does____Li Lei___have__to babysit sister?5.用所给单词的适当形式填空America invite lesson grandpa train1.Students don't like to have any__lessons____on weekends.2.Henry is on the school tennis train,so he has tennis__training___every day.3.Tomorrow is my__grandpa's___70th birthday party4.Thank you for your_invitation______to go to the movies next Sunday5.Gina isn't from France.She's an__American____girl6.单句改错1.Julia have to study for the test( have---has )2.Can she come to here early( to删除 )3.It takes ten minutes go home( go---to go )4.I don't know with who they're( who---whom )5.I can't join you because I have much too homework to do ( much too---too much ) 。
