

This may be the saving grace all new parents are looking for. An American paediatrician claims to have found a miracle way of holding an infant to make it stop crying.或许这正是广大初为父母之人苦求的福音 。一位美国儿科医生声称,自己找到了一种神奇的.方法,只要托住婴儿,就能让他停止哭泣 。
Dr Robert C Hamilton, of California, says his technique, dubbed "The Hold", works every time without fail.这名加利福尼亚的医生名叫罗伯特·C·汉明顿,他将自己的这种技法称为“斜托法”,他说这种方法非常有效,百试不爽 。
He picks up the child, folds his or her arms across the chest and holds this tight, lifting the baby"s bottom with the other.他抱起婴儿,让他或她双臂交叉在在胸前,然后一直手托在婴儿前胸,另一只手托住婴儿的臀部,把婴儿举起来 。
Holding the baby at a 45 degree angle with both hands, he then lifts the baby up and down, rocks it back and forth and "shakes the little booty".双手这样以45°斜角托着婴儿,然后托着婴儿上下晃动,前后摇晃,“摇摇小屁股” 。
【一招止住新生儿哭泣】"Everything you do is very gentle, you don"t want to do any jerky motions ever," Dr Hamilton advices. “做每个动作都必须非常轻柔,绝对不要有任何鲁莽的动作,”汉明顿医生这样建议到 。
"You hold the child with the fleshy part of your hand [the palm] not the fingertips, and I am supporting his chin, which is why I am holding him at a 45 degree angle."“用手上最柔软的地方(手掌)托住婴儿,而且我还要托住他的下巴,所以要斜45°托住他 。”
He adds that The Hold works best for babies up to three months as they then become too heavy.他还补充说,斜托法对出生三个月以下的婴儿最有效,因为当时婴儿的重量就很重了 。
