民族|Judy-上海恢复出行后,外国人签证到期怎么办?( 四 )

(10)持X2字签证者 , 应当提交中国境内教育、培训机构出具的在读证明函件 。 可以延长停留期限不超过180日 。 延长签证停留期限 , 累计不得超过签证原注明的停留期限 。
(1)A C visa holder shall submit a letter of certification issued by thecompetent department of the people's government at or above thecounty level or the local civil aviation railway highway port andother transportation companies. The duration of stay may be extendedto no more than 30 days.
(2)F visa holders shall submit a letter of proof issued by the invitingand receiving units. Units that have not been put on record shallalso submit registration certificates. You can extend your stay forno more than 180 days.
(3)Those who hold visa g shall submit the letter of proof from thereception unit and the plane (train ship) ticket for the country(region) where the date and seat have been determined. The durationof stay may be extended to no more than 30 days.
(4)Holders of J2 visa shall submit a letter of certification issued bythe Foreign Affairs Department of the provincial people's government.The duration of stay may be extended to no more than 30 days.
(5)For L visa holders travel plans and itinerary shall be submitted.For group tourism letters of certification from travel agenciesshall also be submitted. The duration of stay may be extended to nomore than 30 days.
(6)Holders of visa m shall submit a letter of proof issued by the localinviting or receiving unit or individual and units that have notbeen put on record shall also submit a certificate of registration.If the partner is an individual the letter issued shall be signedand submitted with the certificate of local permanent registeredresidence or the certificate of actual residence. You can extend yourstay for no more than 180 days.
(7)A person holding a Q2 visa shall submit a letter identitycertificate and family member relationship certificate issued by thevisited person. You can extend your stay for no more than 180 days.
(8)Those holding r visa shall submit the letter of proof from theinviting and receiving units and the units that have not been put onrecord shall also submit the certificate of registration. You canextend your stay for no more than 180 days.
(9)For those holding S2 visa the family visitor shall submit the letterissued by the visited person the foreigner's residence certificateand the family member relationship certificate. Other personnel shallsubmit relevant certificates for handling private affairs or forhumanitarian reasons. For family visitors their stay may be extendedfor not more than 180 days and for others it may be extended fornot more than 90 days.
(10)Holders of visa x2 shall submit a letter of proof of being readissued by an education and training institution in China. You canextend your stay for no more than 180 days. The cumulative extensionof the visa stay period shall not exceed the originally stated stayperiod in the visa.
