英国之旅英语作文100字左右怎么写的 英国之旅英语作文100字左右怎么写的啊

一、英国文化之旅的英语作文?The Englishman love to behave gentlemanly and the Englishwoman love to behave ladily. They also show their respect to ladies. They always say” Lady first”. In their daily life. the English pay attention to their appearance.
They dress neatly. They shake hands when they meet other. When they are with others, they usually say “please””thank you””sorry” and so on. The breakfast in Britain is very rich. Usually there are all kinds of egg products, oatmeal, bacon, ham, sausages, butter, jam, bread, milk, juice, coffee and so on.
They are popular with the western countries. What’s more, the English like drinking tea. They have the habit of drink afternoon tea at about 3 in the afternoon. They enjoy drinking tea and treat it as a kind of seeing friends.
三、仿写日本之旅英语作文?日本之旅(My Trip to Japan)
Japan was fun. It was very cool and windy. We flew kites in the park. I bought a watch there. I wanted to buy more, but I didn‘t have money.
The gardens there were beautiful. I liked them the best. The department stores were too big. I couldn‘t find Mom. The food was delicious.
We ate a lot of fish, and I also liked the vegetables and cake there. I hope I can go to Japan one more
四、传统文化之旅英语作文100词?Our country is an old country with about five thousand years history so it has been attracting so many foreign tourists or students to come here to explore our history. Unlike other countries, China has experienced many dynasties and its culture has spread home and abroad .
In terms of character, it has developed so much that we can hardly grasp every one of them though we are Chinese, let alone foreigners. So this has made so many foreigners much interested in it . Chinese Kun-fu is also impressive in the world .
五、南山之旅的英语作文?Because it is Sunday,April,we will be in very early bicycle 20,carrying bottles of champagne,beer and bags of cakes,bacon and egg.We rode along the winding paths in the fields,across the meadows and down the roads.Willow is a fresh and green.The swallows were flying to and fro,up and down the sky.The birds like musicians,snang melodious songs in the trees,like be riotous with colour butterfly dancer,flying here and there.We breathed the fresh air deeply and laugh.
七、写人物的插叙作文100字左右?父爱如山 都说母爱如水,父爱如山 。
父母的爱有水一般的温婉柔情,有山一般的巍峨坚固 。父亲是个严肃的人,不抽烟,偶尔喝点小酒,虽严肃,性子却极好,我若犯了错事,小则讲讲道理,说几句;事情大的时候,扬起巴掌,却始终打不下去 。学校有时作业很多,我把自己关在房间,埋头苦做,每每出了屋子,却总发现父亲屋子的灯是亮着的 。荧光灯白白灿灿,洒了一地,刚准备睡下,父亲准会端来夜宵,一碗白粥也好,几个包子也罢,我捡自己喜欢的来吃 。刚开始时,父亲端进来的总不如意,渐渐地,却发现越发的和自己的口味来了 。我享受得心安理得之际,不禁对父亲有点愧疚 。岁月慢慢流逝,在树的身上形成年轮,却在父亲额上形成皱纹 。又是星期天,望着别人家的孩子骑自行车,我心里羡慕不已,母亲不同意我骑车上学,非要远远地来接我,怕我路上出意外,连带着自行车也不让学 。向父亲表过几次态,父亲点点头说:“行,有空我亲自教你!”这话说得中气十足,却惹来母亲的不满 。父亲苦口婆心劝道:“女儿总要长大,以后的风雨多着呢?再说了,骑车是好事 。”一番话下来,母亲拉着的脸稍稍转晴,偏父亲烧得一手好菜,母亲吃得高兴之余便改变了立场,反而拾掇起父亲找个时间教我 。自行车这玩意说起来还真不好学,母亲宁愿让我长大了学四轮,嫌两轮的不可靠,刚骑着我是满肚子的新鲜,学了半天不会,便气馁了 。嚷着不学了 。父亲把脸一沉,扶着自行车厉声喝道:“凡是讲究一个‘好’字,做官要做好官,做教师就要做一名好教师,你既然要学自行车便要学好自行车!”我从未见父亲如此严厉过,心里打鼓,父亲不是一向和声悦色吗?今天怎么了?难道我真的做错了?可是,自行车真的不好学啊?父亲显然是气几极了,听好自行车,坐在一边的树荫下去了 。我咬咬牙,扶好自行车一阵捣鼓,居然骑了一小截 。正打算向父亲炫耀一番,猛不然跌了下来 。母亲见状要来扶我,被父亲拦了下来 。我只好忍痛爬起来,心里对父亲越加不满,索性继续骑起来 。这会总算会了,扬眉吐气的我骑着自行车到父亲脚下停下,父亲给我个赞赏的眼神,“下周咱去绿道骑车去!……” 如今,我写着这篇作文,想着如山般的父爱,心里有无限感慨 。父亲的爱啊,有着山一般的稳重,也有着水一般的柔情 。哦!那份刻骨铭心的爱啊!
