
二、我的宠物,英语作文,100词左右,自己写?my house pet
My name is xxx.I am a middle school student.I love animals.My favorite animals are dogs.I have a little dog.His name is Nack.He is 1 years old.He is very friendly and cute.He likes meat first.He is my good friend.
This is my house pet—Nack.
house pet:宠物
我才上初一,能力有限 。sorry
三、传统文化之旅英语作文100词?Our country is an old country with about five thousand years history so it has been attracting so many foreign tourists or students to come here to explore our history. Unlike other countries, China has experienced many dynasties and its culture has spread home and abroad .
In terms of character, it has developed so much that we can hardly grasp every one of them though we are Chinese, let alone foreigners. So this has made so many foreigners much interested in it . Chinese Kun-fu is also impressive in the world .
四、介绍饺子的英语作文100词左右?【英国之旅英语作文100词左右怎么写的好】Different countries have different food.In China ,there are many kinds of traditional food,like seafood,In Spring Festival ,we usually eat dumplings ,There are cabbages and meat in it.some of them are broccoli,and others are leeks.In China ,every family likes dumplings very much ,Eating dumplings is also a important costom .Chinese people think it brings good luck.
五、关于义工的英语作文100词左右?We are middle school students and we are busy with our lessons. So some people think we should concentrate more on our studies. If we volunteer to help others, it’s a waste of time. But I think volunteering is great.
I not only feel good about helping others, but also get to spend time doing what I love to do. And from volunteering I have learned many things that I have never learned in class. So if I have an oppoutunity, I’d like to visit old people’s houses to clean up for them. I’d also like to help sick kids in hospital. I love kids and I plan to put my love to good use by working in hospital.
六、茶的发明英语作文100词左右?Tea is one of the most popular drinks in the world, and its invention can be traced back to ancient China.
 According to legend, it was Emperor Shen Nong who discovered tea by accident more than 4,000 years ago, when a few tea leaves fell into his pot of boiling water. 
He tried the drink out of curiosity and found it refreshing and invigorating.
Over time, the cultivation and consumption of tea spread throughout China and eventually to other parts of the world.
 Tea became an important part of Chinese culture and a symbol of hospitality and friendship. Tea ceremonies were held to celebrate special occasions and honor guests.
Today, tea continues to be enjoyed around the world, with many different varieties and flavors available. 
Whether it's a warm cup of black tea on a chilly morning or a refreshing glass of iced green tea on a hot summer day, tea remains a beloved beverage that brings people together.
In conclusion, the invention of tea has had a profound impact on human society and culture, and it continues to be a source of enjoyment and comfort for millions of people worldwide.茶是世界上最受欢迎的饮料之一,它的发明可以追溯到古代中国 。相传是神农皇帝在4000多年前偶然发现了茶叶,当时几片茶叶掉进了他那壶开水里 。出于好奇,他尝了尝这种饮料,发现它既提神又提神 。随着时间的推移,茶叶的种植和消费遍及中国,并最终传播到世界其他地区 。茶成为中国文化的重要组成部分,也是好客和友谊的象征 。举行茶道是为了庆祝特殊的场合和尊敬客人 。今天,茶继续在世界各地流行,有许多不同的品种和口味 。无论是在寒冷的早晨喝一杯热红茶,还是在炎热的夏天喝一杯清爽的冰绿茶,茶仍然是一种让人们聚在一起的受欢迎的饮料 。总之,茶的发明对人类社会和文化产生了深远的影响,它仍然是全世界数百万人享受和舒适的源泉 。
七、英国文化之旅的英语作文?The Englishman love to behave gentlemanly and the Englishwoman love to behave ladily. They also show their respect to ladies. They always say” Lady first”. In their daily life. the English pay attention to their appearance.
They dress neatly. They shake hands when they meet other. When they are with others, they usually say “please””thank you””sorry” and so on. The breakfast in Britain is very rich. Usually there are all kinds of egg products, oatmeal, bacon, ham, sausages, butter, jam, bread, milk, juice, coffee and so on.
