戏楼|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】600年昆曲唤醒300年正乙祠古戏楼、老字号全聚德推出“单人份”手工片制烤鸭 圈粉年轻人( 二 )
呼家楼中心小学团结湖分校在校园内开辟了太空种植基地 , 并准备了太空芍药、太空观赏南瓜、太空番茄等6种太空种子 , 让学生亲自种植太空植物 , 了解植物的生长过程 , 并借此活动培养学生的科学素养 。 太空种植是学校自2006年以来的一项传统 。 2017年 , 学校被授予全国航天特色学校称号 。
A government affairs service station opened in Yuzhong community in Xicheng District, the first of its kind in the district. Three staff members and two full time social workers will provide service to 3016 households in the community, covering more than 50 types of government affairs.
位于德胜街道裕中地区 西城区首家社区级政务服务站正式开张 。裕中地区政务服务站共有3名专业政务服务办事人员和2名全能社工 , 让百姓在家门口就能办理50余项政务服务事项 。
A telecom fraud prevention center opened in Gongchen sub-district in Fangshan District recently. It is the first sub-district level telecom fraud prevention center and is part of a four-tier telecom fraud prevention system in the capital. All 10 staff members in the center received professional training by the public security bureau. Such centers will soon open in more sub-districts and towns in Beijing.
房山区拱辰街道成立了本市首家街乡防范电信网络诈骗犯罪预警劝阻中心 。 这也标志着全市已经形成了四级反诈中心 。 该中心一共有十名工作人员 , 也是经过了公安部门专业的培训 。 下一步北京市将在更多的街乡来推广这种模式 。
10 travel routes were released by the Culture and Tourism Bureau of Miyun District in Beijing to celebrate the upcoming May Day holiday. The routs cover scenic spots surrounding the Miyun Reservoir, featuring activities like mountain hiking and spring blossoms viewing. Visitors, especially those traveling with families, can also enjoy vegetable and fruit picking in agricultural parks.
为迎接五一长假 ,密云区文化和旅游局十条密云微度假线路 , 涵盖了密云水库东西两条资源 , 以及登山和赏春花等活动 。 游客 , 尤其是与家人一起旅行的游客 , 还可以在农业园区享受采摘蔬菜和水果的乐趣 。
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