病毒|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】?清明假期前两天99万人次“亲水游”、北京市新冠病毒疫苗接种超六千万剂次......

病毒|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】?清明假期前两天99万人次“亲水游”、北京市新冠病毒疫苗接种超六千万剂次......

River side tourist spots have been favored by Beijing residents during the Qingming Festival. During the first two day of the festival, 990,000 visitors enjoyed spring by visiting rivers and lakes in the capital. The Liangma River crossing the CBD is the hottest spot in the city center, while Chaobai River is most popular among suburban nature spots in Beijing.
清明时节踏青出游 , 不少市民首选河湖周边 , 清明节假期前两天 , 累计已有99万人次畅游河湖 。 其中 , 城区的亮马河等河道周边游客较多;郊区则是潮白河畔等地最为热门 。
A traditional festival to celebrate births of various flowers is held at the World Flower Garden, a famous tourist attraction in Beijing, during the Qingming holiday. Traditional art contests and culture events were staged during the festival. Plum blossom shaped ice cream in different flavors is very popular with visitors.
花朝节古时被称为百花生日 , 为期两天的花朝汉服文化节在世界花卉大观园举办 。活动期间举行了 传统文化竞赛和多种体验活动 。 梅花花神雪糕更是受到了游客的喜爱 。
病毒|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】?清明假期前两天99万人次“亲水游”、北京市新冠病毒疫苗接种超六千万剂次......

The 12th Beijing Farmland Sightseeing Season was recently launched in 56 locations. Fields and agricultural landscapes in the suburbs and rooftop agriculture in the city center are included. As the first event of this year's farmland sightseeing season, activities like vegetable and fruit picking will be held during the Agricultural Garden Festival in 35 gardens in the suburbs of Beijing.
第十二届北京农田观光季启动 , 北京市农业技术推广站发布了56个农田观光点 。 这些农田观光点不仅有郊区的大田和园区农业景观 , 也有城市中心区的屋顶农业景观 。 作为今年农田观光季的首个活动 , 农园风尚节活动在全市郊区推出蔬菜水果采摘活动 , 以及具有特色的35个休闲观光园 。
病毒|【Touch Beijing 双语新闻】?清明假期前两天99万人次“亲水游”、北京市新冠病毒疫苗接种超六千万剂次......

Intellectual property insurance covers the top 20 manufacturing enterprises and 312 small, medium and micro enterprises in key fields in Beijing since a pilot project was launched two years ago. 3,366 patents in more than 20 key industries were insured for more than 3.3 billion Yuan. Beijing launched a three-year pilot program of intellectual property insurance in 2020 to solve problems such as high costs, long waits and late payment when companies' patents are infringed on.
