|2002年都彭限量版打火机泰姬陵TAJ MAHAL

|2002年都彭限量版打火机泰姬陵TAJ MAHAL


|2002年都彭限量版打火机泰姬陵TAJ MAHAL


泰姬陵见证了莫卧儿皇帝沙贾汗(Shah Jahan)和他的女王穆塔兹·玛哈尔(Mumtaz Mahal)之间的永恒爱情 。 女王在临终时要求她心爱的人建造一座纪念碑 , 这将是他们持久热情的象征 。 当时最伟大的艺术家和2万名工人致力于建造这座非同寻常的陵墓 。 玉石 , 红玛瑙 , 珊瑚和玛瑙与耀眼的大理石洁白相映成辉 。

都彭从这座传奇古迹中汲取灵感 , 创作了一系列杰出的物品 。 铂金的细长扭索状曲线挑选出与纪念碑上雕刻的花卉图案相似的花卉图案 , 而珠光闪闪的珍珠母镶嵌物让人想起白色的闪耀之美大理石 。 那个这些稀有材料的大理石般的美丽被阿尔卑斯岩的深绿色光芒所增强 。

The Taj Mahal bears witness to the eternal love between the Mogul emperorShah Jahanand his queenMumtaz Mahal.On her deathbed the queen asked her beloved to build a monument that would be the symbol of their enduring passion.The greatest artists of the time and 20000 workers devoted themselves to building this extraordinary tomb.Jadeonyxcoral and agate sparkle against the dazzling marble whiteness.
【|2002年都彭限量版打火机泰姬陵TAJ MAHAL】S.T.Dupont has drawn inspiration from this legendary monument to create a collection of exceptional objects.Slim guilloched curves in platinum pick out floral motifs similar to those carved on the monument while the gleam of iridescent mother-of-pearl inlay brings to mind the shimmering beauty of white marble.The marble-like beauty of these rare materials is enhanced by the deep green radiance of Alpinite.
