今天我们要一起“游览”的是新疆沙湾县~Amazing China(美丽中国)第1集:安集海大峡谷 。
In Xinjiang,China,the beautiful scenery can often take miraculous forms.
在中国新疆美景常常是以奇迹的形态出现的 。
Anjihai Town has become famous the world over due to one canyon in particular.
一条峡谷成为安集海镇闻名于世的理由 。
The river, which originates in the Tianshan Mountains,rushes down the steep slopes,carving its way through escarpments formed over millenia.
发源于天山的河流从陡坡冲下用漫长的时间在大地上切出延绵的悬崖 。
The canyon is about 30 kilometers in length,with the valley floor being 3 to 4 hundred meters at its widest,while the narrowest part is only two or three meters.
峡谷全长约三十公里谷底最宽处达到三四百米窄处只有两三米 。
From above,Anjihai Grand Canyon is rich in colors.
从高空看安集海大峡谷色彩丰富 。
On either side of the canyon,red sandstone and gray mudstone alternate to create an astonishing landscape.
峡谷两侧红色砂岩和灰色泥岩交错分布呈现出奇异的景观 。
The colors are formed as the river erodes and dissolves the sandstone and mudstone,drawing abstract pictures on the land.
河流将不同颜色的砂岩和泥岩冲刷溶解在大地上描绘出抽象画 。
It is one of the most beautiful and yet virtually unknown canyons in Xinjiang.
【字幕|60集绝佳英语听力素材!央视《美丽中国》系列短片合集,双语字幕+在线观看(必须收藏)】这是新疆峡谷中最瑰丽也是最寂寂无闻的一条峡谷 。
Because it is so hidden and the land on either side of the canyon are the same height,people sometimes come across it without warning.
由于它实在是太过隐蔽峡谷两岸的地面高度相近人们有时一直走到它的跟前才会猛然惊醒 。
If they don't stop in time,then they could easily plunge off the cliff.
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