means of transport means

means是什么意思means意思:方法 。
1、In doing our work, we must pay attention to ways and means.
做工作应注意方式方法 。
2、I've struck on a novel means of doing the job.
我突然想到一个干这活的新奇方法 。
3、Statistical analysis is a means of arriving at a fairly reliable forecast.
统计分析是一种相当可靠的预测方法 。
4、The plants using a closed-circuit water system will usually require some means of treatment of excess water.
使用闭合循环水系的工厂,通常需要以某些方法处理过剩的水 。
5、Aristotle proposes to cure such hardships by means of equity.
亚里士多德提出用衡平的方法来解决这样的困难 。
means是什么意思?means,英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“手段;方法;财产”,作动词时意为“ 意思是;打算” 。
短语搭配:Pythagorean means 毕达哥拉斯平均;by means 经由 ; 依靠 ; 当作 ; 借;supplementary means 辅助工具;running means 滑动平均 ; 管理手段 。
purpose,英文单词,名词、动词,作名词时意为“目的;用途;意志”,作动词时意为“决心;企图;打算” 。
on purpose故意 ; 有意 ; 成心地
purpose registers通用寄存器
rhetorical purpose修辞题 ; 修辞目的题 ; 修辞目的
Purpose Factor资金用途因素 ; 目的因素 ; 资金用途身分 ; 款目的

means of transport means

【means of transport means】means怎么读means的读音是[mi?nz] 。
means名词意思是方法、方式、途径、钱财 。
Television is an effective means of communication.
电视是一种有效的通信手段 。
Is there any means of contacting him?
Have you any means of identification ?
We needed to get to London but we had no means of transport .
我们需要赶往伦敦,但却没有任何交通工具 。
People should pay according to their means .
人们应该按照各自的负担能力来消费 。
He doesn't have the means to support a wife and child.
他无钱养活妻小 。
