growth怎么读 growth

英 [grθ] 美 [groθ]
growth 基本解释
名词 生长; 增长; 一茬植株; 肿块,肿瘤
1. The rate of overall industrial growth was above eight percent.
工业总增长率超过百分之八 。
2. A thick growth of weeds covered the yard.
庭院长满浓密的野草 。
3. Childhood is a period of rapid growth.
幼年是生长迅速的时期 。
4. Exercise and good food are important to the proper growth of a child.
运动和营养好的食物对孩子的正常发育十分重要 。
1. 发展;增长;兴起
The growth of something such as an industry, organization, or idea is its development in size, wealth, or importance.
e.g. ...the growth of nationalism.
e.g. ...Japan's enormous economic growth.
2. 增加;增多;增长
The growth in something is the increase in it.
e.g. A steady growth in the popularity of two smaller parties may upset the polls...
两个较小政党的支持率稳步上升,可能会打乱投票结果 。
e.g. The area has seen a rapid population growth...
该地区人口激增 。
3. 发展的;增长的
A growth industry, area, or market is one which is increasing in size or activity.
e.g. Computers and electronics are growth industries and need skilled technicians...
计算机与电子行业属于蓬勃发展的产业,需要娴熟的技术人员 。
e.g. Real estate lending has become the biggest growth area for American banks.
房地产贷款已经成了美国银行业增长最快的业务领域 。
4. (性格的)成长,发展
Someone's growth is the development and progress of their character.
e.g. ...the child's emotional and intellectual growth...
e.g. Different teachers make different contributions to a student's growth.
不同的教师在学生的成长过程中起到不同的作用 。
1. It was a root pairs of strains of holly, higher than the eaves, leaves dense seamless, dark green light, in the winter, with bamboo light green color of show scenery, giving a good impression to leave, it will enable you germinal Prose The inspiration, though not as earth-shattering story of the source, from the cuttings to grow together in prayer for the two thick trees, the growth of its history, after the number of wind and rain, how many spent the winter and spring, winter does not fade dark green in color, hair can not count the new spring shoots, there are hundreds of thousands of young leaves crowded old leaves, people unknown knowing it.
那是一个根的双株冬青,高过房檐,叶密无缝,墨绿发光,在冬天里,与竹的淡绿各展色景,给人留下美好的印像,它能令你生发散文的灵感,虽然不会成为惊天动地的故事之源,从插枝到成长为两根合掌粗的树,它的.生长史,经过了多少风和雨,度过了几多冬与春,冬不褪墨绿的本色,春发不可计数的新枝条,又有千千万万的幼叶挤老叶,人不可知它自知 。
2. Besides their efficacy was described in detail, their growth habits and morphological characteristics were also introduced.
除了较详细地描述其功效外,还介绍了它们的生长习性和形态特征 。
3. The PS and OSAHS have the same effect on children growth and their clinical features.
肥胖与儿童打鼾相关,而PS和OSAHS对儿童的临床特征及生长发育的影响区别不大 。
4. The coppiced shrub remained two and three coppice shoots have the bast of all effects to basal diameter and apical growth.
不同的人为调控措施对辽东栎萌生灌丛营养生长与有性繁殖的影响是不同的 。
5. We all know the emphasis on concurrent programming as linear processor speed growth is limited in the past years.
我们都知道,作为非线性处理器的高速增长并行编程的重点是有限的 。
n.生长; 增长; 一茬植株; 肿块,肿瘤;
[例句]A steady growth in the popularity of two smaller parties may upset the polls

growth怎么读 growth

1、英 [ɡr??θ]美 [ɡro?θ]
2、n. 增长;发展;生长;种植 。
【growth怎么读 growth】Economic Growth [经] 经济增长 ; 经济成长 ; 经济增长 ; 经济发展 。
Economic growth has slowed a little.
经济增长稍有减缓 。
