Wuhan University sent an invitation on Feb. 15 to the medics from across China who helped Hubei in early 2020, inviting them to appreciate cherry blossoms on March 19.
2月15日,武汉大学向援鄂医疗队再次发出赏樱邀约, 邀请这些医护人员3月19日再次来校赏樱。
▲ Cherry blossoms in Wuhan University (file photo) Photo by Miao Jian
For those who cannot make it on that day, the university will provide a channel to enable them to register to enjoy the cherry blossoms at any time during the flowering period. Working staff of the university will provide reception services to ensure they have a warm and pleasant journey.
▲ Medical staff from Liaoning province taking pictures in Wuhan University (file photo) Photo By Ren Yong
In March last year, more than 12,000 medical staff got together in the university for a two-day event.
【 再邀援鄂医护“回珈”赏樱|Second cherry blossoms event for medics | 医护】 (Edited by Zheng Xiaoan)
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