diskgenius合并分区 disk

【diskgenius合并分区 disk】英 [d?sk] 美 [d?sk]
名词磁盘; 圆盘; 光盘; 唱片
动词把…录成唱片; 使成圆盘状; 用圆盘耕地
1. 磁盘;磁碟
In a computer, the disk is the part where information is stored.
e.g. The program takes up 2.5 megabytes of disk space.
这个程序占用 2.5 兆的磁盘空间 。
1. Rare earths are crucial in advanced manufacturing such as computer disk drives, mobile phones and hybrid car components.
2. Sun's administration and public security departments have examined 48 compact disk copying companies in 18 provinces and municipalities over the past few months.
3. Portable hard disk drives are better in this respect, but they are too big to conveniently carry.
4. The instructor then reportedly illegally copied the disk and circulated it among dozens of academy students and teachers.
5. The agreement makes ExcelStor the first domestic company to manufacture hard disk drives for IBM and to market drives under its own brand.
6. Wang said he and the other two culprits had emulated the robbers on the disk during their own robbery.
7. Deng said the flash disk industry promises much growth potential, and will bring enormous business opportunities to manufacturers such as Netac.
8. Thailand is the world's second largest producer of hard disk drives for computers, supplying more than 40 percent of the world market.
9. Li was shocked to see her videos on the disk she borrowed last week and called the police.
1. When the hard disk hardware failure, we will all these happen, such problems in the hard disk in the CMOS to recognize the hard drive, very smooth plate recognition, but they could not enter the system, partition and format can not be normal.
当硬盘硬件出现故障时,也会出现上述的情况,此类问题硬盘在CMOS里能够认到硬盘,认盘很顺利,但就是进不了系统,无法正常分区和格式化 。
2. Stamens 5, arranged at margin of disk; filaments flat.
雄蕊5,安排花盘的在边缘;花丝平明显的'花盘,波状的边缘 。
3. Then, in this disk is bound to sell what it considered?
4. Current thickness of the gas film in air bearing of Magnetic head/disk is only 8 nm. At such a small spacing, it is expected reasonably that the surface force will come into action.
在纳米间隙条件下,以楔型滑块和双轨式磁头为例,推导出楔型及双轨式磁头范德华力的计算公式,考察了范德华力对计算机磁头/磁盘超薄气膜承载性能的影响 。
5. It allows you to examine data from a live network or from a capture file on disk.
它允许你从存在的网络中或是一个硬盘上的捕获文件中检查数据 。
6. There is not enough disk space to create the capture file with the size you have set.
磁盘空间不足,无法创建您要的捕获文件大小 。
7. Enter the amount of disk space to set aside for the capture file.
请输入专用于捕获文件的磁盘空间大小 。

diskgenius合并分区 disk

disk是什么意思 disk怎么翻译1、disk,英文单词,名词,作名词时意为“ [计]磁盘,磁碟片;圆盘,盘状物;唱片” 。
2、How do you like this disk?你喜欢这个磁盘吗?
3、Some or all paths to disk do not support protection.到磁盘的某些或所有路径不支持保护 。
4、Next, we turn from the disk subsystem to focus on the processors.接下来,我们要将焦点从磁盘子系统转移到处理器上 。
disk是什么意思disk是磁盘的意思 。
计算机的外部存储器中也采用了类似磁带的装置,比较常用的一种叫磁盘,将圆形的磁性盘片装在一个方的密封盒子里,这样做的目的是为了防止磁盘表面划伤,导致数据丢失 。
文件系统:曾将圆形的磁性盘片装在一个方形的密封盒子里 。有了磁盘之后,人们使用计算机就方便多了,不但可以把数据处理结果存放在磁盘中,还可以把很多输入到计算机中的数据存储到磁盘中,这样这些数据可以反复使用,避免了重复劳动 。
可是不久之后,人们又发现了另一个问题:人们要存储到磁盘上的内容越来越多,众多的信息存储在一起,很不方便 。这样就导致了文件系统的产生 。只有低格才对磁盘有很大的伤害,其它的读写是不要紧的 。
硬盘是电脑主要的存储媒介之一,由一个或者多个铝制或者玻璃制的碟片组成 。碟片外覆盖有铁磁性材料 。
硬盘有固态硬盘(SSD 盘,新式硬盘)、机械硬盘(HDD 传统硬盘)、混合硬盘(HHD 一块基于传统机械硬盘诞生出来的新硬盘) 。SSD采用闪存颗粒来存储,HDD采用磁性碟片来存储,混合硬盘(HHD: Hybrid Hard Disk)是把磁性硬盘和闪存集成到一起的一种硬盘 。绝大多数硬盘都是固定硬盘,被永久性地密封固定在硬盘驱动器中 。
