accused of doing accused

v.指责(accuse的过去式和过去分词); 控告
The accused beat the rap by pleading temporary insanity.
被告以提出短暂的神智迷乱为借口逃避罪责 。
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accuse什么意思accuse的意思是:v. 控告 , 指控;指责 , 谴责 , 归咎于 。
1. He laughs loudly when I accuse him of fibbing. 我指控他撒谎时 , 他笑得很大声 。
2. His father would accuse him of neglecting his filial duties. 他父亲会指控他没有尽孝 。
3. Politicians accuse the media of talking up the possibility of a riot. 政客们谴责媒体夸大骚乱的可能性 。
4. He has the gall to accuse reporters of exploiting a tragedy for their own ends. 他竟厚颜无耻地指责采访人员利用一场悲剧来谋求他们的私利 。
5. No one will accuse you of hypocrisy. 没有人会指责你虚伪 。
6. Your neighbours may accuse you of playing the piano at midnight. 你的邻居可能会谴责你半夜弹钢琴 。
7. We need to be careful not to accuse opponents of bad arguments too quickly. 我们还是要小心 , 不要过快地指责对手的错误论据 。
8. In response, the alarmists accuse critics and news reporters of being deceived by the entertainment industry. 作为回应 , 那些危言耸听者指责批评家和新闻采访人员受到了娱乐产业的欺骗 。
9. A steady stream of similar headlines accuse the Net and its offspring apps, social media sites and online games of addicting us to distraction. 类似的标题接连不断地出现 , 指责网络及其衍生的应用程序、社交媒体网站和网络游戏让我们分心 。
10. There is no need to accuse him of being a lamebrain. 没有必要指责人家笨 。
用作动词(及物) 。
1.控告 , 指控:
The police accused him of theft [stealing]. 警方控告他偷盗 。
2.指责 , 责备:
He accused her of cheating.他指责她作弊 。
stand accused处于被告地位
1.表示因某事而控告、指控、指责某人 , 通常用accuse sb of (doing) sth,其中的介词of doing sth不能改为for doing sth,也不能换成to do sth 。
2.其后不能接that从句或动名词作宾语,如不能将“他们控告他受贿“译作They accused (him) that he took bribes.
They accused his taking bribes.可改作They accused him of taking bribes.
They accused him as an accomplice.他们指控他为从犯 。
4. the accused指“被告” , 可指一人或多人 , 用作主语时 , 谓语视具体情况使用单数或复数:
The accused wasagirl.被告是个女孩 。
All the accused have pleaded guilty.所有被告都表示服罪 。

accused of doing accused

【accused of doing accused】accuse的用法与搭配表示因某事而控告、指控、指责某人 , 其后不能接that从句或动名词作宾语 。若表示“指控某人为…” , 则用介词as 。常用搭配:accuse sb of (doing) sth控告某人(做)某事;accuse sb as指控某人为...;the accused被告 。
1、I didnt want to accuse him of anything.(也不想指责他任何事 。)
2、But nobody can accuse him of not trying.(然而不会有人指责他没有尝试了 。)
