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later怎么读later的读音是:英['le?t?(r)] 。
later的读音是:英['le?t?(r)] 。later的词语用法是adv.(副词)later是副词,意思是“较晚地”“后来”,常用于书面语中 。later的意思是adv.后来;稍后;adj.后来的;以后的;接近末期的 。
Adjective:coming at a subsequent time or stage;"without ulterior argument"
"the mood posterior to"
at or toward an end or late period or stage of development;"the late phase of feudalism"
"a later symptom of the disease"
"later medical science could have saved the child"
Adverb:happening at a time subsequent to a reference time;"he apologized subsequently"
"he's going to the store but he'll be back here later"
"it didn't happen until afterward"
"two hours after that"
at some eventual time in the future;"By and by he'll understand"
"I'll see you later"
comparative of the adverb `late';"he stayed later than you did"
Later is the comparative oflate.
You uselater to refer to a time or situation that is after the one that you have been talking about or after the present one.
e.g. He resigned ten yearslater...
10年后他辞了职 。
e.g. I'll join youlater...
我呆会儿和你会合 。
You uselater to refer to an event, period of time, or other thing which comes after the one that you have been talking about or after the present one.
e.g. At alater news conference, he said differences should not be dramatized...
在后来的新闻发布会上,他说不应夸大分歧 。
e.g. The competition should have been rescheduled for alater date...
比赛本应另择日期 。
You uselater to refer to the last part of someone's life or career or the last part of a period of history.
e.g. He found happiness inlater life...
他在晚年找到了幸福 。
e.g. In hislater years he wrote very little...
晚年他甚少动笔 。
5. see also: late
6. sooner orlater - see sooner
You useafter,afterwards, andlater to talk about things that happen following the time when you are speaking, or following a particular event. You can uselater to refer to a time or situation that follows the time when you are speaking.I'll go and see her later. 'A little', 'much', and 'not much' can also be used withlater.A little later, the lights went out... I learned all this much later. Expressions such as 'not long' and 'shortly' can also be used withafter.After dinner she spoke to him... I returned to England after visiting India... Shortly after, she called me.Afterwards can be used when you do not need to mention the particular time or event.Afterwards we went to a night club. You can also use words such as 'soon' and 'shortly' withafterwards.Soon afterwards, he came to the clinic.You can useafter,afterwards, orlater following a phrase that mentions a period of time, in order to say when something happens. ...five years after his death... She wrote about it six years afterwards... Ten minutes later he left the house.
after,afterwards和later均用于指说话时间之后或某事之后发生的事情 。later可用于指说话当时之后的时间或情况:I'll go and see her later(我晚些时候会去看她) 。a little,much和not much也可与later连用,例如,A little later, the lights went out(片刻后,灯灭了),I learned all this much later(很久以后我才得知这一切) 。after可与not long和shortly等连用,例如,After dinner she spoke to him(晚饭后她跟他谈了话),I returned to England after visiting India(印度之行结束后我返回英格兰),Shortly after, she called me(过后不久,她便给我打了电话) 。无须提及具体时间或事件时可用afterwards:Afterwards we went to a night club(后来我们去了一家夜总会) 。afterwards也可与soon,shortly等连用,例如,Soon afterwards, he came to the clinic(不久之后,他来到诊所) 。after,afterwards或later均可用于表示一段时间的短语之后,以说明某事发生的时间 。例如,five years after his death(他死后5年),She wrote about it six years afterwards(6年后她撰文提及此事),Ten minutes later he left the house(10分钟后他离开了屋子) 。四、例句
She had her baby weaned a year later.
她在一年后才把孩子的奶断掉 。
I'll speak with her later.
我要稍后跟她谈 。
I can't pay now, please bill me later.
我现在不能付款,请以后开帐单给我 。
