统计指标从不同角度可以理解为 统计指标

主要统计指标解释耕地 指种植农作物的土地,包括熟地、新开发复垦整理地、休闲地、轮歇地、草田轮作地;以种植农作物为主,间有零星果树、桑树或其他树木的土地;平均每年能保证收获一季的已垦滩地和海涂 。耕地中还包括南方宽<1.0米,北方宽<2.0米的沟、渠、路和田埂 。
年初(末)耕地面积 是指年初(末)统计区域内实有的全部耕地面积 。
年内增加耕地面积 是指本年度因土地整理、复垦、开发、农业结构调整而增加的耕地面积 。
土地整理 是指在一定区域内,按照土地利用规划或城市规划确定的目标和用途,采取行政、经济、法律和工程技术手段,对土地利用状况进行调整改造、综合整治,提高土地利用率和产出率,改善生产、生活条件和生态环境的过程 。包括农用地整理和建设用地整理 。其内容主要包括调整用地结构,归并零散地块,平整土地,道路、渠道等的综合治理,村庄及乡村企业用地的集中、搬迁和内部改造等 。
土地复垦 是指对在生产建设过程中,因挖损、塌陷、压占等造成破坏的土地,采取整治措施,使其恢复到可供利用状态的活动 。
土地开发 是指对未利用的土地进行整治、加工和配套建设,使其变为可供建设或农业使用的土地 。
农业结构调整 是指由于经济发展和保护生态环境需要,在报告期对原有种植业、林业、牧业、水产养殖业、副业等所占土地在农业生产中所占比例进行调整 。
农业结构调整增加耕地 是指由于农业结构调整,将原其他农业用途的土地改为耕地的面积数 。
年内减少耕地面积 是指本年度因建设占用、自然灾害损毁、生态退耕和农业结构调整而减少的耕地面积 。
建设占用 是指因各类建设占用而减少的耕地面积 。
灾害损毁 是指因水冲、沙压、山崩、泥石流、沟蚀、地震等自然灾害破坏,不能耕种的耕地面积 。
生态退耕 是指因生态环境建设需要,按照规划、计划、实际退耕还林、还牧、还湖的耕地 。
农业结构调整减少耕地 是指由于农业结构调整,将原耕地改为其他农业用途的土地的面积数 。
Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators
Cultivated Land—refers to the farmland used for growing crops,including cultivated land,newly developed,reclaimed and consolidated land,fallow land,land farmed in rotation,land for forage and crop rotation,land mainly used for growing crops with fruit trees,mulberry trees or other trees mix-planted sporadically,and cultivated beach land and lake land from which one season harvest per year can be reaped guaranteed.In addition,it also includes field furrows,ditches,and ridges,which are less than1.0m wide in southern China and less than 2.0m Wide in northern China.
Cultivated Land Area at Year Beginning(yearend)—refers to the area of cultivated land available within a geographic area of statistical survey at the beginning(end)of the year.
Increase of Cultivated Land Area During the Year—refers to the area of cultivated land increased during the year as a result of land consolidation,reclamation,new development,and agricultural restructuring.
Land Consolidation—refers to the process of adjusting,changing,and improving the status of land use in a particular region according to the goals and uses stipulated by land use planning or urban planning and by using the economic,legal,and technical engineering means in order to improve the land utlization rate and productivity,production and living conditions,and ecological environment.It includes agricultural land consolidation and land consolidation for state construction.The content mainly includes land-use structure adjustment,scattered land parcels adjustment,land leveling,road and ditch improvements,concentration,relocation,and internal modification of land used for the construction of villages and village/town-owned enterprises.
Land Reclamation—refers to the process and activities of restoring the land damaged by excavation,collapse,and Surface land occupation for its future use.
Land Development—refers to the process of turning unused land into applicable land for construction and agricultural purposes.
Agricultural Restructuring—refers to the adjustment of the percentages of lands used by crop growing,forestry,livestock farming,aquatic products farming,and side-line occupation in agricultural production during the reporting period to meet the requirements for the economic development and eco-environm ental protection.
