screening program screening

n.筛查; 放映,播放;
v.筛(煤、矿石等)( screen的现在分词 ); 审查; 放映(电影); 庇护;
[例句]Ozone is best known for its role in screening the Earth from harmful ultraviolet rays from the Sun
臭氧最广为人知的作用是保护地球免受太阳紫外线的伤害 。
[其他]原型: screen 复数:screenings

screening program screening

屏蔽英文屏蔽英文是shield;screen;screening 。
1、Overburden had concealed the radioactivity.
覆盖层屏蔽掉了放射性 。
2、Sediments acted as a restricting control.
沉积层起着屏蔽的作用 。
3、An adiabatic wall must be able to block radiation.
绝热壁必须能屏蔽辐射 。
4、The first term is the screened coulomb repulsion.
第一项是屏蔽的库仑排斥项 。
5、The shielding is only perfect.
这种屏蔽作用才是完全的 。
6、The"mask"facility is also often called the"enable".
“屏蔽”条件也叫做“选通 。”
7、The first explosion tore the reactor vault apart.
第一次爆炸将反应堆的屏蔽室炸飞了 。
8、The outermost electron is shielded from the nucleus.
原子核对最外层电子的作用受到屏蔽 。
9、In these cases,this cover should be kept as thin as possible.
此时,该屏蔽层应尽可能地薄 。
10、Heat transfer and shielding tests will be completed in 1976.
于1976年将完成传热和各项屏蔽试验 。
11、Radiation shields are commonly used to reduce radiation errors.
辐射屏蔽罩一般用于降低辐射误差 。
12、How well is the exposure area shielded from the cyclotron proper.
13、At the end of the count the sample is ejected into a shielded store.
计数完毕,样品被送入一个屏蔽的储存器内 。
14、It is a global masking process for any interrupt of level higher than n.
对于比n更高的任何中断级来说,这是一个总的屏蔽处理 。
15、We wish to estimate at what distance this shielding becomes incomplete.
我们想要估计一下,在多大距离处这种屏蔽作用将变为不完全的 。
16、The filter is constructed as a sandwich from three materials of different atomic number.
屏蔽物由不同原子序数的三种物质的夹层组成 。
17、The number of ions needed for screening the electrical field is known as the coordination number.
屏蔽电场所需要的离子数称为配位数 。
18、Using a magnetic field to curve the path of the e-beam permits screening of the hot filament.
用一个磁场使电子束走曲线路径能够屏蔽热阴极 。
19、It is for this reason that hydrogen, water,is an important constituent of neutron shields.
由于这一缘故,氢(例如水)便成为中子屏蔽体的一个重要组成部分 。
20、Every nucleus lives in splendid isolation,shielded from the rest of the world by its own encircling electrons.
绕核旋转的电子都使每个原子核同世界的其余部分屏蔽开来 。
屏幕英文怎么读screen 英 [skri?n]美 [skrin]
n. 屏,幕;屏风
vt. 筛;拍摄;放映;掩蔽
vi. 拍电影
screen printing 丝网印刷术
touch screen 接触式屏幕;触感屏幕
silver screen 银幕;电影
computer screen 电脑屏幕
英 ['k??t(?)n]美 [?k?rt?n]
n. 幕;窗帘
vt. 遮蔽;装上门帘
curtain wall [建] 幕墙 ; 玻璃幕墙 ; 帘墙
Curtain coating [涂料] 淋涂 ; 濂涂法 ; 幕式喷涂层
window curtain [建] 窗帘 ; 窗式幕 ; 玻璃幕 ; 横开窗帘
英 ['?i?ld??]美 ['?ild]
n. [电子] 屏蔽;防护
adj. 屏蔽的;防护的
v. 保护(shield的ing形式)
Shielding Effectiveness 屏蔽效率 ; 屏蔽效应 ; 屏蔽效果
barrier shielding 护栅栏
【screening program screening】weld shielding 焊接区保护 ; 焊接熔池保护
