myway中国新说唱完整版 myway( 三 )

i'll find my way
Has been brewing for the hope
Father and mother only ideal
February the first day of 1981
For the first time I had a wink.
How many times to wait for the past
Hope that this baby will grow up to one point one points.
All the things that the body wants to do is like that.
Baby grew up is Lucas
Will find my way I
Want a different way I
The wind and rain after
Will be a brand new day there
When a child was injured someone love to comfort
Now encounter difficulties you have to learn to face
Will find my way I
Want a different way I
Will stop me now nothing
What they say nomatter
Difficult to use my strength and efforts to face the brave
Now with the intention to pursue the feeling is right
Ll "find my way I
Always look for me.
Not to ignore the strange eyes of others
Until one day I suddenly found
Dream has been realized
How many times to wait for the past
Look at yourself to grow one point one points
My life should make me learn to master
Believe that they are not afraid of wind and rain more
Song: way my (Cantonese)
Singer: Zhang Jingxuan Album: way my
I'm standing here
This energy party
School is the gold sentence here
Fear of romantic discouraged
Accept the old gramophone
I decided to sing a song of truth
I lost the perception of the heart
Because each sentence quietly sent to a string of angry hymns
I lost you with my ribs to.
Or to the confused heart
【myway中国新说唱完整版 myway】Say
Will find my way I
Want a different way I
What I used to sigh
I take off at high temperature
You will learn to repeat every little effort on spreading
When there are many try to figure out the faith
Share results
Will find my way I
Want a different way I
What I used to sigh
I take off at high temperature
Growing up every day will encounter some unstable weather
To put away the mist
Feel perfect
Find my way i'll
To do their own
Farewell to the old world
Self school
Brain memory put the little angel sent the Lord of the rings
Into the big world
To try to guess
To forget the kind of gesture from the beginning
Leave a low fragrance of wine to me free of worry
If the lonely invasion
I'll kiss a bite to fix it
Understand that every time there is an end to this world
God made me have the courage to go
“登陆之日”(myway)是真实故事改编的吗?不是真实故事改编,不过有故事背景 。
该电影制作灵感来源于二战后盟军摄影师捕捉到的德军中亚裔俘虏的照片,其中比较著名的是杨江勇被俘的照片 。影片的故事背景,从二十世纪二十年代末的朝鲜,到三十年代末的蒙古战场、四十年代的诺曼底战场等,几乎横跨了二战的前后 。
史实中,的确有少部分亚裔士兵包括数量不等的日本帝国陆军纯日籍士兵、朝鲜籍日本兵及来自中国的国民政府军士兵,他们在历经多番被俘后存活下来,这些战争包括苏日国界战争、中日战场、苏德战争、诺曼底战役 。
该片基于这一史实,刻画描写两名分别为日籍韩裔及日裔士兵在这种时代背景下为生存而奋斗的故事 。
日本殖民朝鲜时期,日本将军之孙长谷川辰雄(小田切让饰)与贫贱子弟金俊植(张东健饰)竞逐长跑,直至奥运选拔 。尽管俊植涉险夺冠,却被诬陷违规 。愤愤不平的民众与军方发生冲突,最终俊植被充军,他和兄弟们屡遭日军凌辱 。
一次野战,俊植意外俘获了专门射杀日军的狙击手斯莱(范冰冰饰) 。上将辰雄来前线督战,令俊植受辱 。俊值每晚坚持长跑,却被烧了跑鞋,因为不愿做敢死队,索性集体出逃 。当俊植看到苏军压境,决定跑回送信 。
结果,日军惨败,辰雄和俊植被俘 。冰天雪地,俊植见到了此前出逃的兄弟众泰,但后者已成冷血 。一次骚乱之后,俊植和辰雄角斗,结果俊植宽容了对手 。此后,德军疯狂反扑,俊植和辰雄在敢死队同历生死 。
他们为了逃命,同甘共苦,翻山越岭,来到德军占领地 。两人失散,再见竟是诺曼底的德军阵营,辰雄再次见到了那个奔跑着的身影 。
