英语读物推荐初中 英语读物( 二 )

圣诞夜,圣诞老人和鲁道夫正在为圣诞节做准备 。圣诞老人穿上了他的红色夹克和红色帽子 。
There are lots of presents in Santa’s sleighfor children around the world. Now they are off!
圣诞老人的雪橇有很多带给全世界小朋友的礼物 。现在,他们出发了!
Amy is asleep at home. Santa climbs down the chimney with Amy’s present.
艾米正在家里睡觉 。圣诞老人带着给艾米的礼物顺着烟囱向下爬 。
But, oh dear…he is too fat. He can’t move!
Amy helps Santa get out of the chimney. “Thank you, Amy. Can you help me deliver the presents?” asks Santa. “Yes, Santa. Let’s go,” says Amy.
艾米帮助圣诞老人从烟囱里出来了 。“谢谢你,艾米 。你能帮我送礼物么?”圣诞老人问艾米 。“当然,圣诞老人 。我们走吧!”艾米说 。
Amy and Santa fly into the air. They go all around the world with the Christmas presents.
艾米和圣诞老人飞翔在天空中 。他们带着圣诞礼物去往世界各地 。
