第四步、开始-运行 。输入msconfig 。将启动项中的alga、iexp1ore都禁止!重新启动电脑 。然后进入SYSTEM下删除ALGA文件(搜索也行 , 那样快点)
关于藻类的英语The alga and the sea of the cockscomb are bristly ..a powder of a powdered, of a moss in the alga, the sea cloud, and Omi of ice and green algae chlorella, and spiral algae and the false carrageens and cold powders on the day..;Rubber is done, and the vegetable of alga of a sea alga such as cockscombs that sea cloud (Fartsai of the sea) and is green, alga of Benicoori, and green ices and sheep's seleniums and the coral are the mosses in Hanayasai of the alga of Sargassum fulvellum of the jew's ear of bristly stripe and sea in the sea and the tearing leaves and red hairs and Shiraishi and the waterside, and asparagus. The alga of the chilopod of the type is taken, the alga of the sea alga and the pine of the leaf (Mr.) is pierced, a nest of the swallow in an alga of the ice of the salad of seaweed and the sea alga and the South Poles, an alga that stripe of the bud and the pipefish of the affinity and is large coral, and a cold string and seas of the day and spiral alga and the alga in a Mexican corner take out, and the dark blue alga plant takes out the thing;The false carrageen is giraffe Sai it, a dark blue alga plant, and bright red algae that do rubber. Alga of ball where powder of green alga, powder of spiral alga, and Ameu are red
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