adverb adverbs( 三 )

1. 5)及物动词+名词+介词(带介词宾语)
词例 词义 例句
catch(lay, get, take, seize) hold of 抓住,占有 The boy took hold of the ladder and began to climb.
那孩子抓住梯子开始往上爬 。
I’ll explain, and you will soon get hold of the idea.
我要解释一下,你很快就会懂得这个意思的 。
do a favor to/do sb. a favor 给别人帮忙,给别人恩惠 Will you do me a favor to lend that book to me?
Can you do a favor to me? 劳驾,可以帮我一下吗?
have confidence in 信人 I have perfect confidence in them. 我完全信任他们 。
have an edge on 占优势,胜过 I can’t beat you at tennis, but I have an edge on you in ping-pong. 打网球我无法赢你,但是打乒乓球我比你强 。
lay emphasis on 强调,着重 Some schools lay special emphasis on language study.
有些学校特别重视语言的学习 。
make a fool of 愚弄,欺骗 Enough!,Don’t make a fool of me! 够了! 不要捉弄我了 。
make use of 利用,使用 You must make good use of any opportunities you have of practicing English. 你必须利用好你所有的练习英语的机会 。
pay attention to 注意 Pay attention to it. 请注意
take part in 参加,参与 I have a meeting to take part in this afternoon. 今天下午我要参加一个会议 。会议
take account of 考虑,重视 Have you taken account of possible shift in demand? 需求有可能变化,你考虑到了吗?
5. 学习和考试注意事项
1. 不及物动词后加适当介词可以构成相当于及物动词的动词短语:
Wait for sb. 就是典型的例子:
常有人说 I will wait you here. 还不知道错了 。应该说成 I will wait for you here. 因为wait 是不及物动词,不能带宾语 。
look at look for look after , listen to 等等,并且注意类似于: read of 和hear of 这样的短语的区别 。
2. 介词后面的名词,或者相当于名词的词就是介词宾语,既然是宾语就要用宾格,特别要注意的代词宾格 。
He is looking at me.
She is looking after her sister.
We waited for him for a long time.
I heard of him before.
3. 同一动词后加不同介词/副词就会有不同的含义,要当作一个新词来记:
look at look about look ahead look around
look as if look away look back look down upon
look for look forward to look in look down
look into look like look on /look upon look up to
look on with look out look out ofr look over
look round look through look to look to be
4. 及物动词带有副词后接宾语与不及物动词后接介词再加宾语是不同的 。
1) 不及物动词后接宾语时,动词和介词是不可分开的,两者成为一个整体 。
2) 及物动词后接副词,该副词可以和动词分开,特别是宾语为代词宾格的时候,这个代词就要放在动词和副词之间 。
He is always looking for his shoes. (不能分开)
He always forgets to turn the lights off. He always forgets to turn off the lights.
He always forgets to turn them off. (这个句子中的them指的是等,不能放在off的后面,因为它是代词宾格)
1) 考词义
这是最难的,任何人只要是学英语的,都认为这是最难的,即使是把英语用作母语的人们也认为这是最难的 。解决的方法就是:多读,多背,多分析,多理解 。
Take after 像,模仿 Take away拿走,减去 Take back回收,取消 Take down取下,记录
Take from减少,缩小 Take in吸收,欺骗 Take off起飞,免除 Take out取出,摘录
Take over接收,接任 Take to喜爱,从事 Take up开始,占用 Take…for. .把…当着…
2) 考结构
主要是会判断小品词是介词还是副词,代词宾格是否可以放在动词和小品词之间 。任何考试都会有这一项,即使博士生考试,也会考到这一项 。这是一项既考语法也考习惯用法的题目 。实际上还是检查单词量,如果我们把它当着一个单词记住了,什么考试都不怕 。
参考附文 2
What are Adverb Particles?
Words likein, out, up, downetc., are not always prepositions. Read the sentences given below.
He was driving down the street.
Please sit down.
He climbed up the stairs.
She is not up yet.
He is in the room.
You can come in.
In the expressions ‘down the street’, ‘up the stairs’ and ‘in the room’, the wordsdown, up and inare prepositions. Note that prepositions are always followed by nouns which act as their objects. For example, in the sequence ‘down the street’, the noun street is the object of the preposition down.
