等等我老公呢 等等( 二 )

Should I call his pediatrician right away or wait and see how it goes?
他把他所有的钱存在一个罐子里 。为的是下个月他可以买一些礼物送给他的女友 , 一面平滑的镜子、一件外套等等 。
He saved all his money in a pot, so that he could buy some gifts for his girlfriend next month, a smoonth mirror, an overcoat and so on.
哦 , 等等 , 这是对木工而言的! 没错 , 但是它在这里也很适用!
Oh wait, that is for carpentry, but nonetheless it works here as well!
“但是 , 等等 , ”您会说 。
"But wait," you say.
属于这类物质的有云母、瓷器、石英、玻璃、木材等等 。
To this class of substance belong mica, porcelain, quartz, glass, wood, etc.
英语里有些词如honour , hour , honesty等等的首字h不发音 。
In some words in English the initial h is not sounded,as honour,hour,honesty,etc.
它也可以是关于你的宠物 , 喜爱的食物和衣服等等的小文章 。
It can also be about your pet, favorite food or dresses and so on.
等等!看我们能做什么 。
Wait!Look what we can do.
你喜欢什么颜色?等等 。
Which colours do you like? etc.
火可以灼伤我们 , 但我们可以用它来烹饪 , 等等 。
Fire burns us but we can cook with it, and so on.
Should I call his pediatrician right away or wait and see how it goes?
他把他所有的钱存在一个罐子里 。为的是下个月他可以买一些礼物送给他的女友 , 一面平滑的镜子、一件外套等等 。
He saved all his money in a pot, so that he could buy some gifts for his girlfriend next month, a smoonth mirror, an overcoat and so on.
哦 , 等等 , 这是对木工而言的! 没错 , 但是它在这里也很适用!
Oh wait, that is for carpentry, but nonetheless it works here as well!
“等等 ”用英文怎么说wait.
英式读法是[we?t];美式读法是[we?t] 。
作动词时意思是等;等待 。作名词时意思是等待;等候 。
1、She has impatience to wait for the bus.
她没有耐心等公共汽车到来 。
2、He kept us waiting for ages while he packed his luggage.
他收拾行李 , 让我们等了好半天 。
wait, await这两个词都有“等待”的意思 , 其区别是:
1、await是正式用词 , 常用于书面语 , 不如wait常用 。
2、await后面可以接动名词作宾语 , 但不可接不定式 , wait后面可以接不定式作状语 , 但不可接动名词 , 
如:I shall await hearing from you和I shall wait to hear from you 。
这两句里的await和wait不可对调 。
3、await, wait for这二者含义相同 , 但wait for后面接了宾语还可以加上不定式 , 而await却不可 , 如:I am waiting for him to come(我在等着他来 。)里的waiting for不可改作awaiting 。
什么是等等【等等我老公呢 等等】等等就是在列举时 , 由于无法或无必要尽数列举 , 在列举了有限数量的例子后对此类例子的其他例子进行概括的抽象概念 。
