innovate reframe( 三 )

4.have kittens 心烦意乱,焦虑不安
Final exams are coming, Mary is having kittens.
期末考试要来了,Mary现在心烦意乱 。
5.rain cats and dogs 狂风暴雨,倾盆大雨,瓢泼大雨
In the middle of the picnic it started to rain cats and dogs.
野餐进行到一半时,天开始下起瓢泼大雨 。
这句话的表面意思是“猫藏利爪而不露”,实际上是告诫那些与人交往毫无戒备之心的人,有些人知人知面不知心啊 。
You must make friends in a cautious manner as cats hide their claws.
一些人知人知面不知心,因此你交友务必谨慎 。
4.have kittens 心烦意乱,焦虑不安
Final exams are coming, Mary is having kittens.
期末考试要来了,Mary现在心烦意乱 。
5.rain cats and dogs 狂风暴雨,倾盆大雨,瓢泼大雨
In the middle of the picnic it started to rain cats and dogs.
野餐进行到一半时,天开始下起瓢泼大雨 。
