boaster boast

boast作为动词表示“吹嘘、自夸、以……而自豪”,词典上通常的解释是“夸耀”(后面有of), 但在实际使用中常常用来作“拥有(某一值得夸耀之物,但不一定真的在夸耀)”解(后面无of,带直接宾语),是延续状态(第一类动词)而非瞬时动作 。英英释义“(of a person, place, or thing) possess (a feature that is a source of pride)” 。例句:Our schoolboastsa new gymnasium. 我们学校有一座新的体育馆 。boast作为“ 拥有 ”含义,里面有一种自豪的意味,可译为“以……引以为豪”,它是及物动词,直接接宾语,另boast做“ 自夸 ”含义时,一般要加 about/of。boast的“有”含义在汉英词典中较难查到,但却在有些语境中比have能更准确地表达“有”的意思 。
例句:1. Phenomenal Englishboastsarguably the most driven English learners.
2.Peking and Tsinghua Universitiesboastthe most talented students and best faculty members in China. 北大和清华有全国最聪明的学生和最强的老师 。(两个XX University放在一起,则University将变成复数Universities,如Stanford and Harvard Universities)
3.Shenzhenboastsa large number of fast growing technology companies. 深圳汇集了大量高速增长的科技公司,比如大疆无人机、华大基因等 。
4.Japanboaststhe most Nobel laureates in Asia. 日本的诺贝尔奖获得者人数居亚洲第一 。(2018年诺贝尔生理学医学奖授予了美国的艾利森和日本的本庶佑)
5.The photo-sharing app has grown snappily and nowboasts1bn monthly users. 介绍Instagram用户数——《经济学人》
6.San Franciscoboastsa recycling rate of 80%, one of the highest of any rich-world city. 介绍旧金山的垃圾回收率——《经济学人》(这里boast意为“高达”)
这家咖啡馆有这个城市最好的拿铁咖啡 。
This coffee shop boasts the best Latte in town.
This coffee house boasts the best Latte, one of the coffee shops in city.
2)场景:我们公司在世界各地区拥有多家分公司 。
造句:Our company boasts numerous branches around the world.
场景:这家房地产商(如万科)拥有高标准的服务 。
造句:This land agent boasts high standards of comfort.
场景:这些房子将采用最新的节能技术 。
造句:The houses will boast the latest energy-saving technology.
场景:谁也不应夸耀自己的学识 。
造句:Nobody should boast of his learning.
补充:can boast of也可以表示“拥有但不一定夸耀” 。如:Many Oxford colleges can boast of beautiful gardens. 牛津的许多学院都拥有美丽的园圃 。
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1. 自吹自擂;夸耀[(+about/of)]
The captain is always boasting of his military valor.
上尉老是自夸阵前之勇 。
1. 自吹自擂说,吹嘘[Y][+that]
2. (指物)以有...而自豪;拥有,包含[W]
Our school library boasts quite a few rare books.
【boaster boast】我们学校图书馆以藏有好多珍本书而自豪 。
1. 自吹,牛皮,大话
That brother of yours is full of boasts.
你那个宝贝兄弟满口大话 。
2. 引以为荣的事物
It is his boast that he has never been late for work.
他为自己上班从未迟到感到自豪 。
以上结果由 Dr.eye译典通字典 提供

boaster boast

每日一词 | boast1. 释义及用法:
(of a person, place, or thing) possess (a feature that is a source of pride)boast=have=possess, 只不过在这里有一种 自豪感 ,可以翻译成 以…引以为豪。boast它是及物动词,后面可以直接宾语; boast的 另外一个意思是“自夸”,做这个意思事需要加about/of 。
2. 例句:
Phenomenal Englishboastsarguably the mostdrivenEnglish learners.
Peking and Tsinghua Universitiesboastthe most talented students and best faculty members in China.
Shenzhenboastsa large number of fast growing technology companies.
Japanboaststhe most Nobel laureates in Asia.
场景:Instagram 的用户数
The photo-sharing apphas grown snappilyand nowboasts1bn monthly users.
San Franciscoboastsa recycling rate of 80%, one of the highest of any rich-world city. (这里的“boast”可以翻译为“高达” 。)
