经过连续多天的共同努力 , 《西安我爱你》的英文解说片终于制作完成!既是西安人抗疫的诗意记录 , 也可以在疫情结束后 , 作为西安的观光旅游介绍 。 希望有更多的外地人和外国人以此认识西安 , 来西安旅游 。 感谢交大外国语学院陈向京院长、张长安书记的大力支持 , 王非、张晓谦的翻译、王定菲的剪辑 , 特别是张颖近于播音员的英式发音 。 本片作为中小学生学习如何用英语介绍西安也挺合适 。
Xi’an, I Love You: A Song of Xi’an People’s Hope in Fighting Covid-19
2021年年末 , 西安发生新冠疫情 , 全面封城 。 尽管给人们的生活和工作带来极大的困难和挑战 , 但这座城市的人们依然以自己的方式积极地面对生活 。 医务人员做核酸检测 , 有很多人作为志愿者走上街头 。 虽然大家生活不便 , 但每个人都用自己的方式参与着抗疫 。
Xi’an, capital of Shaanxi Province, has been under lockdown since thebreakout of COVID-19 cases in late 2021. Although life was severely affected, its people keep optimistic in the fight against epidemic: health care workers providing nucleic acid testing, and many citizens volunteering in their communities. Despite all the challenges, life and work never stopped.
西安交通大学的师生在疫情发生后不久便创作了一首歌 , 抒发了对抗疫人员的赞美 , 描写了西安人疫情中的生活 。
Teachers and students in Xi’an Jiaotong University (XJTU)’s wrote a song shortly after the lockdown to extol anti-epidemic workers and describe how Xi’an people live their life during the epidemic.
歌曲中期待在疫情结束后要去吃一顿大餐 , 要吃泡馍 。 “泡馍”是以牛羊肉为主料制作的西安特色食品 。 对于在外地的西安人 , 吃泡馍往往是他们非常想念的事情 。 歌曲写道要上城墙漫步 。 西安的城墙建于明代 , 围绕城市一周 , 是全中国目前保存最完整的城墙 。 在城墙上观看四周的建筑 , 能很好地感受古城西安的历史 。 歌曲中还写到疫情结束后要去汉唐书城 。 “汉唐书城”是西安的一家非常著名的大型书店 。 “汉”和“唐”都是中国古代的朝代名 , 这两个朝代中国非常强盛 , 而且都把西安——当时名叫“长安”——作为首都 。
The lyrics reads that people anticipate “the big meal”-pao mo-once the epidemic is over. Pao mo is a local delicacy with mutton or beef as its key ingredient, and is always linked to homesickness for natives. The song describes strolling on the City Wall. Built during the Ming Dynasty, the City Walls surrounds the inner city and is the best-preserved walls in China. Viewing the surrounding buildings on the walls is a fantastic way to experience the city’s long history. The song also describes visiting the Han Tang Book City once the epidemic is over. “HanTang Book City” is a famous bookstore, with “Han” and “Tang” being the two dynasties in the heyday of Chinese Empire. In both Han and Tang dynasties Xi’an– then called Chang’an – was chosenas the empire’s capital.
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