
1.六年级下册英语人教版重点句子I 询问姓名、年龄.
1, ----What's your name? ----你叫什么名字?
----My name is ________. ----我叫…….
2, ----How old are you? ----你几岁了?
----I'm 12. ----我十二岁.
II 询问颜色.
1, ----What colour is it? ----它是什么颜色的?
----It's yellow and white. ----黄白相间.
2, ----What colour are they? ----它们是什么颜色的?
----They're green. ----绿色的.
III 询问数量或价钱.
1, ----How many kites can you see? ----你可以看见几只风筝?
----I can see 12. ----我可以看见十二只风筝.
【6年级下册英语重点词句】2, ----How many crayons do you have? ----你有多少支彩笔?
----I have 16. ----我有十六支
2.六年级下册英语重点句子 单词如下 六年级下册英语重点句子 单词 Unit 11、How do you go to school? Sometimes I go by bike.2、How can I get to the zoo? You can go by subway.3、How can I get to the nature park? You can go by the No. 12 bus.4、How do you go to Canada? I go by bike.5、How do you go to the USA? I go by plane.6、My home is near. Usually I go to school by bike, because it's fast.7、Usually I go on foot. Because it is a good exercise.8、Which floor do you live? I live on the 2nd floor.9、Which bus can I take? ( Which bus can I go by?)10、How does Zhang Peng go to work? He goes by bus.11、How does Zhang Peng go to work? They go by school bus.12、Where is Zhang Peng's home? His home is near the post office.13、Where is Sarah's home? Her home is far.14、Look at the traffic lights. Remember the traffic rules.15、Stop at a red light. Wait at a yellow light. Go at a green light.16、Can I go on foot? Sure, if you like. It's not far.17、The traffic lights are the same in every county, but the traffic rules are different.18、Red means "Stop". Yellow means "Wait", and green means "Go".19、In China, drives drive on the right side of the road. In the US, drivers drive on the right side, too. In England and Australia, however, drivers drive on the left side of the road. If you go by car, by bike or on foot, you must know the traffic rules.Unit 2 1、There is a hospital in the middle. The post office is near the hospital on the right. The bookstore is on the left.2、Where is the supermarket? Go straight ahead.3、First, go straight. Next, turn left at the post office. Then, turn left at the school.4、Where's the museum? It's in front of the shoe store.5、Is the zoom far from here? No, it is not far.6、Thank you. You are welcome.7、What are you going to do after school? I want to buy a pair of shoes.8、Walk straight for three minutes.9、Get on the No. 301 bus. Get off at the cinema.10、Go next to the shoe store.11、Today is my birthday. Thank you all for coming.12、Happy birthday to you! Thank you.13、Let me tell you how to come. Start from the bus stop in front of our school. Find the white building on the left. Look for me near the door.14、First, walk south for three minutes. Then, take the No.1 bus at the cinema.Unit 3 1、What are you going to do this weekend? I'm going to visit my grandparents.2、I'm going outside to play.3、Where are you going tomorrow? I am going to the bookstore.4、I am going to the Great Wall. What are you going to do this afternoon? I'm going to buy a book.5、What are we going to do on Saturday morning? We are going to go shopping.6、What are they going to do this evening? They are going to the cinema.7、I am going to buy an English book in the bookstore.8、When are you going? I am going at 3 o'clock.9、I'm going to buy a magazine about plants.10、I want to be a science teacher one day!11、What does Sarah want to be in the future? She wants to be a science teacher one day!12、What is Amy going to do on the weekend? She is going to visit her friend.13、What are they going to do next week? They are going to the Great Wall.Unit 4 1、What does he like to do? He likes diving.2、What is his hobby? His hobby is painting.3、Does he live in the country? No, he doesn't. He lives in the city.4、Can I go with you? Sure.5、We look the same, but we don't like the same things.6、I live in China with my mom and dad. I don't have a sister or brother.7、What is her father's hobby? He likes riding a bike.8、Does she teach English? No, she doesn't. She teaches math. Does she teach you math? Yes, she does.9、Alice and her sister are twins. They look the same, but they are very different.10、Her sister Ann watches cartoons on TV. Alice usually plays at the park on Saturday.Unit 5 1、What does she do? She is a teacher.2、I teach lessons. I am a teacher.3、I clean streets. I am a cleaner.4、I sing songs. I am a singer. 5、I dance. I am a dancer.6、I drive cars. I am a driver. 7、I write stories. I am a writer.8、They work hard every day for us. 9、He works in an air-conditioner company.10、What does your father do? He's an actor.11、What are you going to be ? I am going to be a dancer.12、What is Amy going to be one day? She is going to be a doctor.13、What is your brother going to be one day? He is going to be a writer.14、Who's he? He is my uncle. Who's she ? She is my aunt.15、He is a writer. He writes the TV show for my aunt.16、Sometimes my aunt works here in Beijing, but sometimes she works in Hong Kong.17、Who is the man?。
