

Going home for the holidays just got more complicated due to Covid’s new omicron variant.
由于新冠病毒的新奥密克戎变种 , 回家度假变得更加复杂 。
On Thursday the Biden administration tightened protocols for international travelers including 24-hour testing windows for anyone coming into the country. The White House also extended the nation’s federal mask mandates for public transportation hubs like airports through March 18.
周四 , 拜登政府收紧了对国际旅行者的规定 , 包括对任何入境者的24小时测试窗口 。 白宫还将国家对机场等公共交通枢纽的联邦口罩授权延长至3月18日 。
If you’re planning to travel for the winter holidays soon whether domestically or internationally you’re probably wondering: Is omicron a reason to cancel or delay your trip?
如果你计划不久后在寒假旅行 , 无论是国内还是国际 , 你可能想知道:奥密克戎是取消或推迟旅行的理由吗?
At least for now there’s no straightforward “yes” or “no” answer. Scientists are still working to learn how transmissible omicron is whether it’ll evade vaccine protection and how widespread the cases are worldwide. By mid-December right around when you might be traveling researchers should have at least a few answers.
至少在目前 , 没有直接的“是”或“不是”的答案 。 科学家们仍在努力了解奥密克戎的传播性如何 , 它是否会逃避疫苗的保护 , 以及这些病例在全世界有多广泛 。 到12月中旬 , 也就是你可能要旅行的时候 , 研究人员至少应该有一些答案 。
But these three questions can help you make an educated decision especially as scientists discover more about omicron in the coming weeks:
但是这三个问题可以帮助你做出明智的决定 , 特别是在未来几周内科学家们发现更多关于奥密克戎的信息 。
Where are you going?
The following types of people should postpone travel to locations with community transmission of omicron according to the World Health Organization:
世界卫生组织表示 , 以下几类人应推迟到有社区传播奥密克戎的地方旅行:
·Unvaccinated people
·People who haven’t gotten Covid
·Anyone with underlying conditions that put them at increased risk of severe Covid symptoms
·Individuals over 60 years old
The problem: It’s too soon to say exactly where those locations are right now. Nations across the world are currently sequencing genes from Covid test samples to pinpoint omicron cases.
问题是:现在说这些地点在哪里还为时过早 。 世界各国目前正在对新冠病毒检测样本的基因进行测序 , 以查明奥密克戎病例 。
