300. 发货通知 delivery release
301. 交货通知 delivery note
302. 发盘/报价 offer/quotation
303. 报价申请 request for quote
304. 合同 contract
305. 订单确认 acknowledgment of order
306. 形式发票 proforma invoice
307. 部分发票 partial invoice
308. 操作说明 operating instructions
309. 铭牌 name/product plate
310. 交货说明请求 request for delivery instructions
311. 订舱申请 booking request
312. 装运说明 shipping instructions
313. 托运人说明书(空运) shipper's letter of instructions(air)
314. 短途货运单 cartage order(local transport)
315. 待运通知 ready for dispatch advice
316. 发运单 dispatch order
317. 发运通知 dispatch advice
318. 单证分发通知 advice of distribution of documents
319. 贷记单 credit note
320. 佣金单 commission note
321. 借记单 debit note
322. 更正发票 corrected invoice
323. 合并发票 consolidated invoice
324. 预付发票 prepayment invoice
325. 租用发票 hire invoice
326. 税务发票 tax invoice
327. 自用发票 self-billed invoice
328. 保兑发票 confirmation invoice
329. 代理发票 factored invoice
330. 租赁发票 lease invoice
331. 寄售发票 consignment invoice
332. 代理贷记单 factored credit note
333. 银行转帐指示 instructions for bank transfer
334. 银行汇票申请书 application for banker's draft
335. 托收支付通知书 collection payment advice
336. 跟单信用证支付通知书 documentary credit payment advice
337. 跟单信用证承兑通知书 documentary credit acceptance advice
338. 跟单信用证议付通知书 documentary credit negotiation advice
339. 银行担保申请书 application for banker's guarantee
340. 银行担保 banker's guarantee
341. 跟单信用证赔偿单 documentary credit letter of indemnity
342. 信用证预先通知书 pre advice of a credit
343. 托收单 collection order
344. 单证提交单 documents presentation form
345. 付款单 payment order
346. 扩展付款单 extended payment order
347. 多重付款单 multiple payment order
348. 贷记通知书 credit advice
349. 扩展贷记通知书 extended credit advice
350. 借记通知书 debit advice
351. 借记撤消 reversal of debit
352. 贷记撤消 reversal of credit
353. 跟单信用证申请书 documentary credit application
354. 跟单信用证通知书 documentary credit notification
355. 跟单信用证转让通知 documentary credit transfer advice
356. 跟单信用证更改通知书 documentary credit amendment notification
357. 跟单信用证更改单 documentary credit amendment
358. 汇款通知 remittance advice
359. 银行汇票 banker's draft
360. 汇票 bill of exchange
361. 本票 promissory note
362. 帐户财务报表 financial statement of account
363. 帐户报表报文 statement of account message
364. 保险申报单(明细表) insurance declaration sheet (bordereau)
365. 保险人发票 insurer's invoice
366. 货运说明 forwarding instructions
367. 货运代理给进口代理的通知 forwarder's advice to import agent
368. 货运代理给出口商的通知 forwarder's advice to exporter
369. 货运代理收据证明 forwarder's certificate of receipt
370. 港口费用单 port charges documents
371. 入库单 warehouse warrant
372. 装卸单 handling order
373. 陆运单 road
374. 运单 waybill
375. 通用(多用)运输单证 universal (multipurpose) transport document
376. 空集装箱提单 empty container bill
377. 油轮提单 tanker bill of lading
378. 全程提单 house bill of lading
379. 押运正式确认 escort official recognition
380. 分段计费单证 recharging document
381. 国人员物品申报 crew's effects declaration
382. 要求交货通知 calling forward notice
383. 托收通知 advice of collection
384. 油污民事责任书 civil liability for oil certificate
385. 载重线证书 load line document
386. 免于除鼠证书 derat document
387. 航海健康证书 maritime declaration of health
388. 船舶登记证书 certificate of registry
389. 船用物品申报单 ship's stores declaration
390. 通行证 gate pass(来源:海运网)
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