未来旅游发展趋势英语作文 未来旅游发展趋势英语作文带翻译( 二 )

八、未来世界英语作文?未来世界 The Future World
As we live in the modern world, we are access to the high technologies. Our life becomes much convenient, we can use computer and smart phones to solve the problem of distance. In the future, there is no doubt that the world will be developed well, our life will be facilitated by all kinds of new technologies. I am so looking to the future scene.
我们生活在现代社会,接触到高技术 。我们的生活变得越来越便利,可以用电脑和智能手机解决距离的问题 。在未来,毫无疑问,世界会很发达,我们的生活将会通过各种各样的新技术变得更为便利 。我很期待未来的场景 。
九、英语作文 , 未来的房子?Mydreamhouseisavillawhichliesonthecoast.Therearetwoyardsinthevilla.Thefrontyardisagardenwithmanybeautifulflowersanplantsforthefourseasons.Thereisaswimmingpoolinthebackyard,asmyfamilyarefondofswimming.Onthefirstfloor,thereisabighallwhenyouenterthegate.Ontherightofthehallisasittingroom,therewecanrelax,havearest,watchTVandenjoyentertainments.Ontheleftthereisacomputerroomandastudybelongingtome.
十、未来几年旅游业的发展趋势?应该很好 , 很有前途 。因为国家疫情政策放开后 , 旅游业也开始复苏了 , 再加上国家大力发展经济 , 未来出游的人也会很多了 , 慢慢的这个行业就非常乐观了 。
