旅游记作文400字初中 旅游记作文400字初中生( 二 )

八、初中作文记暑假里的一件趣事结尾?记时光飞逝,细水长流 。转眼间,又将迎接新的学期 。这一件件的趣事,让我万分留念,成为永久难忘的记忆,让我还沉浸在这有趣的回忆中 。
九、怀念什么作文初中作文?怀念,小学的日子时光如同奔流的江河,一去不回头,转眼间,欢快的小学时光已然过去,小学的日子,现已记不太清 。喜,怒,哀,乐,如同水蒸气般消失在空中,我独自仰望蓝天,怀念,小学的日子!天,无限大 。始终听不到他的回声,沉默已久,只想知道为何事事都有终点,而不能一望无尽?白天,凝视着那一张张毕业时的合一昂,眼泪不禁无声无息的从眼角无声地滑落 。看着那一张张美丽的笑脸,却不知离别时的心酸,小时看到哥哥姐姐们哭着抱在一团,心中还不以为然,但突然身临其境,却又不知所措,眼泪,又在我脸上徘徊 。晚上,躺在床上,抬头望着契合的夜空,心中一阵凄凉,回忆起以前的时光,几个孩子因一个矛盾纷争不断,不一会就有抱在一团,怀念以前的日子啊!是那麽的美好,那么的天真!转眼见已经初二,我们都已经觉得自己已经长大,可我们却依旧幼稚,面对已经离别的老师,同学,怎样也不愿接受这个事实,他令我们感到窒息,想到同窗六年的同学转眼间要天各一方,心中的触动是巨大的,是悲伤的,回忆小学的时光!又一次仰望蓝天,我笑了,我也曾想再当一次小学生,珍惜这转瞬即逝的时光,去弥补以前的过错与不足,可是,天下没有不散的宴席,让小学时光成为美好的回忆吧!怀念,小学的日子!
十、growingupinmyschoollife初中作文?No matter the day is how to spend endless,the sun always rises and falls,flowers always bloom and wither,around heavy traffic is always fleeting,stand at the time of the tail,we kept after the mist as ignorant of the future.
Too many people always sigh the cruelty of time and the helpless of growing up 。In fact,growth is really a caterpillar into a butterfly process,always undergo a metamorphosis of pain,you can better meet the chocolate as unknown world 。All that let go or no one saw tears in a few years back,you can get unexpected! The road of the future,whether rugged or smooth,requires you to go and taste it alone.
【旅游记作文400字初中 旅游记作文400字初中生】Eileen Chang wrote an article about "road",referring to the way of growth 。This road is a road that everyone must take 。Those who pass by advise the people who are going this way not to choose the road,because it is so rough and long that it is refuted: "since you can walk this way,how can I not go out?" 。"
