sidekick侍刻 sidekick( 六 )

◎ 老成持重 lǎochéng-chízhòng
[be experienced and prudent; be rich in years and sound of judgment] 阅历多,经验丰富,遇事沉着稳重
而老成持重,坐靡岁月,终于无成者,不可胜数 。——清· 魏善伯《留侯论》
◎ 老处女 lǎochǔnǚ
(1) [spinster]∶已过一般结婚年龄的或者好像不可能要结婚的女子
(2) [old maid]∶古板神经质的女人,对无关紧要的琐碎事感到烦躁、懊恼的女人
◎ 老粗,老粗儿 lǎocū,lǎocūr
[uneducated person;rough and ready chap] 指缺乏文化教养的人(多用为谦辞)
◎ 老搭档 lǎodādàng
[old workmate or partner] 长期互相配合或共事多年的老伙伴儿
◎ 老大 lǎodà
(1) [in old age]∶年老
少壮不努力,老大徒伤悲 。——《乐府诗集·长歌行》
少小离家老大回 。——唐· 贺知章《回乡偶书》
老大嫁作商人妇 。——唐· 白居易《琵琶行(并序)》
(2) [the eldest child (brother,sister)]∶兄弟姊妹中的年长者
(3) [the chief crewman of a wooden boat;boatman] 〈方〉∶指木船的船主或船夫
(4) [greatly;very]∶很大,非常
◎ 老大难 lǎodànán
[knotty;be hard nut to crack;be long-standing,big and difficult problem] 形容问题很多,积重难返,不易改进的情况
◎ 老大娘 lǎodàniáng
[aunty;granny] 对年老妇女的尊称
◎ 老大爷 lǎodàye
[uncle;grandpa] 对年老男子的尊称
◎ 老旦 lǎodàn
[actor playing the part of an old woman in the Chinese traditional drama] 戏曲角色名,旦的一种 。指扮演老年妇女的角色
◎ 老当益壮 lǎodāngyìzhuàng
(1) [hale and hearty in old age; be old but vigorous]∶主要指老年人继续保持旺盛的斗志
丈夫为志,穷当益坚,老当益壮 。——《后汉书·马援传》
(2) [florid old; be old in age but buoyant in spirit; there's many a good tune played on an old fiddle]∶年纪虽老,仍健康和充满活力
◎ 老到 lǎodào
[be experienced and trustworthy] 〈方〉∶指办事老练周到
◎ 老道 lǎodào
[Taoist priest] 道士
◎ 老底,老底儿 lǎodǐ,lǎodǐr
(1) [ground one relies for support;sb.'s past or unsavory background]
(2) 内情;底细
(3) 指祖产;老本
◎ 老弟 lǎodì
(1) [dear friend;fellow;Mac]∶亲切称呼比自己年纪小的男性
(2) [younger brother]〈方〉∶弟弟
◎ 老雕虫 lǎodiāochóng
[write for months and years on end] 指长年累月埋头写诗作文 。雕虫,比喻小技,小道
◎ 老调 lǎodiào
[platitude;hackeyed theme] 指重复多次的使人厌烦的论调
◎ 老掉牙 lǎodiàoyá
[antiquated;antediluvian;toothless;be as old as Adam; the Dutch have taken; Hollant;Queen Anne is dead] 陈旧过时
◎ 老爹 lǎodiē
(1) [one's father]∶某人的父亲
(2) [sire;(court.address)venerable elderly person] 〈方〉∶对老年男子的尊称;旧时对乡绅、官吏或长者的尊称
◎ 老豆腐 lǎodòufu
[hardened bean curd] 北方小吃 。豆浆煮开后点上石膏或盐卤凝成块(比豆腐脑儿老些),吃时浇上麻酱、韭菜花、辣椒油等调料
◎ 老儿子 lǎo’érzi
[the youngest son] [口]∶儿子中最小的那个
◎ 老佛爷 lǎofóye
(1) [(Budd.) the Buddha]∶佛爷
(2) [(Qing Dynasty) the emperor's father or mother]∶清代对皇太后或太上皇的俗称
◎ 老夫 lǎofū
[an old fellow like me] 年老的男子自称
◎ 老父 lǎofǔ
[oldman; ones elder; one's senior; father] 对老年男子的尊称
俄有老父至 。——三国魏· 邯郸淳《笑林》
◎ 老妇 lǎofù
(1) [I. old woman] 年长妇女自称的谦词
老妇必唾其面 。——《战国策·赵策》
(2) 又
老妇恃辇而行 。
◎ 老疙瘩 lǎogāda
[the youngest son or daughter] 〈方〉∶最小的儿子或女儿
◎ 老庚 lǎogēng
[born in the same year;of the same age] 〈方〉∶同龄人之间的亲热称呼
◎ 老公 lǎogōng
(1) [husband]∶丈夫的俗称
(2) [eunuch]∶宦官的俗称
(3) [old man]
(4) 老年人的通称
(5) 对老年人的蔑称
◎ 老公公 lǎogōnggong
(1) [grandpa]∶对老者的敬称
(2) [husband’s father]∶女性称丈夫的爸爸,又叫“公公”
(3) [eunuch]∶旧称“太监”
◎ 老姑娘 lǎogūniang
[spinster] 通常已到中年的未婚女人
◎ 老古板 lǎogǔbǎn
