英语学习 英语学习心得( 八 )

4. Pronunciation of the most important. Language learning, pronunciation and ultimately forever. Study our mother tongue through the same ten thousand thousands of times on the pronunciation and correct for, the study of all languages are such. My proposal, is my secret of success: to put a precise pronunciation of words. Some people wrongly think the most important grammar is, in fact, such ideas are wrong, the correct pronunciation, is the starting point for all language learning. If you can read a majority of the right words, then your ability to remember words, the ability to understand the article, the ability to grasp the grammar will have a greater degree of improve. Since these are all related to the issue of language sense.
5. To be read out. I strongly urge everyone to watch many articles, not just watch, you must have to want it more than try to read out, a little bit of common sense knows that an article, in order to put him in mind and understood, than simply read out the Vision watch a lot of want a lot of faster. At the same time, you will also read out the spoken pronunciation have better help. There is a lot of us are just learning English as a mixed put check diploma, diploma means, do not really want to use them, but I want to tell you, this is the case now that you want, and there have been some, then why not put Learn English in the most likely to use that part of it away? That is colloquial pronunciation. English and may be able to understand simple spoken answer will be helpful later on in life you Oh!
6. To believe in themselves. Can have trust in their own learning these things, even the most difficult on the Chinese world will be able to say their memorization, and not to mention it just in English. Sometimes we would do this and ultimately, the health of the spirit of the Arab-Israeli q.
Well, I hope my words can help them to everyone! After all, each person is different, my usefulness of these methods on their own, and not necessarily to others useful only from the U.S. to find something to fit their own, I am very pleased, thank you.
学习英语语言学的体会 , 感想学习英语语言学我体会到 , 要学一门外语 , 无疑要记很多东西 。词汇是一门语言的基础 。学习英语的重中之重就是词汇的掌握 。有了单词 , 才会有句子 , 有了句子才会有文章 , 最终才能掌握这门语言 。
那么海量的单词 , 记住才是关键 。每一种语言都有它自己的语言表达系统 , 只有记住了这些 , 才能把握外国人的语言习惯 , 才能学好英语 。
英语语言学课程由三个知识模块组成:理论启蒙、基础理论、研究方法 。理论启蒙模块内容涉及英语的词汇知识、语音知识、语法知识、修辞知识、语体知识、英语变体、英语学习策略等 。
基础理论模块由英语语言学概论执行 , 内容涉及语言的各种属性、语言学的学科知识、语音学、形态学、句法学、语义学、语用学、社会语言学、语言与心理、语言与文化、语言习得等 。
研究方法模块通过介绍语言学研究的设计与分析方法 , 帮助学生掌握从事语言研究的本领 。该课程的目标包括系统传授现代语言学知识、提高学生英语学习能力、激发学生对从事语言研究的兴趣 , 培养学生的创新能力等 。
英语心得体会首先 , 我们要明白
学习英语绝不是看一部动画片 , 不是一蹴而就的事 。要想不下一番苦功夫、不费一点力气就能学好英语 , 那是绝对办不到的 。因此 , 我们学习英语时 , 一定要有信心 , 要有耐心 , 循序渐进地坚持学习下去 , 这样才会有收获 。
第二 , 要想学好英语 , 就得先从听、说入手 。课上认真听老师讲 , 听同学们说 , 自己积极举手发言 , 大胆地去讲英语 。
课下多听录音带 , 反复练习 , 尽量模仿正确的语音语调 。每天坚持读半个小时的英语 。人们常说的“拳不离手 , 曲不离口” , 就是这个道理 。
第三 , 要想学好英语 , 就得有股子韧劲儿 。学过的生词和句子一定要记住 , 真正掌握它 , 千万别把希望只放在考前的突击记忆上 。期中、期末考试时 , 成百上千的单词怎么能一下子背下来呢?所以 , 记单词一定要日积月累 , 备一个小本儿随身携带就更好 。比如今天学了10个单词 , 记住了7个 , 其余3个怎么也记不住 , 这时你就可以把它们记到小本子上 。小本子随身带 , 有空你就掏出来 , 看它几眼 , 说它几遍 。看的次数多了 , 说的次数多了 , 再难记的单词也能记住 。当然 , 记生词最好连句子一块记效果更好 , 这样记得牢 。通过句子记新单词 , 不但扩大了词汇量 , 而且还记了单词的用法 , 真是一举两得 。
