幸福终点站影评镜头分析 幸福终点站影评( 二 )

03.幸福需要等待 , 更需要心动和行动的转换 。
维克多在机场为了自己的幸福 , 一直在行动着 。在面对种种危机时 , 他总能保持着自己正直 , 乐观 , 机智 , 善良 。其实这就是一种行动 。他在一言一行中都在维护自己的价值观 。
机场负责人弗兰克几次三番想要赶走他 , 对他说只要承认他受到了自己国家的迫害 , 就能申请在美国的政治避难 , 离开机场 。但是维克多深爱着自己的国家 , “与克罗西亚相比 , 这个办公室更可怕” 。
一个俄罗斯人去加拿大买药给自己的父亲救命 , 但是却因为登机不能携带给人治病的药而被机场管理人员扣留 。情绪激动的他大喊大叫 。由于暂时找不到懂俄语的人 , 无奈之下 , 弗兰克请来维克多翻译 。在得知这一情况之后 , 维克多机智地翻译这是给山羊带的兽药 , 于是帮助俄罗斯人顺利带药登机 , 这一行为为维克多赢得了机场的好名声 。
所以 , 维克多能够随遇而安达成目标 , 更重要的是他时时刻刻都在行动着 , 他的等待并不是空等 。
等待不是萎靡不振 , 更不是一种随其自然的颓废 。有时在等待里 , 能更让我们明白什么是自我就应选取的 , 什么是自我就应思考与把握的 。
幸福需要等待 , 更需要心动与行动的转换 。
幸福终点站英文影评If we were to talk about Spielberg’s film career as being clustered into periods, as we do with Picasso’s blue and pink periods, then we’d have to say Spielberg has entered his Capra phase with his new film The Terminal. Although The Terminal has a comedic brightness that recalls aspects of his last film Catch Me if You Can, Spielberg’s real attention here focuses on the story’s minimal plotline about an average Joe overcoming the bureaucratic roadblocks and power plays that cross his path. It’s an optimistic world-view that features a melting pot of American faces, most of whom want to do good if given the chance, and who like to embrace their folk heroes with group unity and gusto. The director who inadvertently invented the summer blockbuster with the release of Jaws in 1975 has now moved into a more populist phase of his career that tries to introduce democratic ideals and "significance" into his resolutely mainstream movies. It’s a worthy ambition, I suppose, but it does not take into account that our naivete is not nearly as unvarnished as it was in Frank Capra’s heyday of the early sound decades. It’s hard to sell anyone the Brooklyn Bridge anymore, so we’ll see how well Spielberg does with his multicultural, "We Are the World" version of JFK Airport. The story’s deus ex machina has Hanks’ Viktor Navorski stranded in the airport's International Transit Lounge due to a coup that occurred in his fictional Eastern European homeland of Krakozhia while en route. Left without a valid passport or a country he can return to, Viktor is ordered by the paper tiger customs bureaucrat Frank Dixon (Tucci) to wait out the situation. Hours turn into days, then months, as Viktor gradually makes a place for himself within the transitional world of the terminal. "Life is waiting," reminds the movie’s promotional tagline. But what the movie (like John Lennon) is really trying to tell us is that "Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans."
这是一个机场 , 充满着川流不息四处奔走不能停息的人群 。人们总是会为了很多理由而奔走 , 或是为了财富 , 哦 , 金钱对于他的子民总是奢侈的 , 没有来往于天际的四处飞翔 , 很多人难以聚攒起惊人数字的金钱;或是为了家庭 , 人们需要回到自己温馨的家园享受自己的安逸人生 , 尽管旅途辛劳 , 可是当能够回想起餐桌旁爱人微笑的时候 , 他的脸上该挂着幸福的;还有很多理由让人们从飞机上走进机场 , 再从机场走进某一个城市 。机场 , 对任何一个过客而言 , 它只是一个驿站 , 短暂的停留 。没有人会把自己的等待安排在机场 , 就是有 , 那也是短暂的 。可是就有这么一个人存在——维克多 , 《幸福终点站》告诉我们一个关于在机场等候的故事 , 这一等就是几个月 。
他失去了国家的依托 , 所以他成了这个地球上唯一没有归属的人 。维克多成了这个机场唯一的居住者 , 他穿着睡袍倘佯在机场的大楼里 , 他用男厕所的水龙头洗澡 , 他拼凑起坐椅作为自己的'睡床 , 他甚至在机场大楼里打工为自己赚取生活费用 。没有人知道他为了什么 , 他只是一个奇怪的漂流者 , 只是因为一个永远无法预料到的理由而成为一个被抛弃和被遗忘的人 。可是他站在机场大厅里 , 提着行李四处张望的时候;他不懂装懂 , 答非所问的时候;我们却总可以发现他的诚实和善良 。而事实也是 , 当他用“山羊”为无辜的旅人解难的时候 , 当他一次次为了得到食物为朋友牵着红线的时候 , 当他屡及朋友们的前途甘愿放弃自己承诺的时候 , 他的善良我们为之感动 。
